Satsuma on Four Wheels

John 2

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Apr 17, 2022
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Preston Lancs_NW UK.
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Came across a small vintage car show on the Isle of Man with this on display. A 1950s Ford Prefect originally (I think?) although I doubt that the colour scheme was in the original Ford brochure. Not so much a restoration as a re invention.

Satsuma on Four Wheels.jpg
Judging from the side hood vent it's a '49-53 Ford Anglia. Of course the Popular was the "upscale" version of the Anglia.

Nice shot.
Judging from the side hood vent it's a '49-53 Ford Anglia. Of course the Popular was the "upscale" version of the Anglia.

Nice shot.
After looking the model up I do think this could be a Popular. That custom grill was throwing me off.
Interesting customisations, are those MGB wheels?

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