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Yes, more IR


TPF Noob!
Mar 4, 2005
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Hoorn, The Netherlands
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just in case people havent got enough of the IR pics posted in this forum (as if that is possible, you cant have enoughof that IR stuff)...........here are some more :mrgreen:
Shot these today when i was working at the Bird of prey center again. We were done early, so i took some pics. Hope you like 'em:





Thanks for looking
Greetz Daan
lovin IR..... these are great..... what is that in the 4th one?..... cant work it out..... makes a cool abstract tho :thumbup:
The first one looks completley fake. Like a model of something. How freaking
cool is that. Great, now there is something ELSE I have to buy...

thanks for the comments :)
The 4th one is one of those modern windmills. I was standing at the base and shot right up.
I love these! Like you said, you can never get enough IR. I get excited everytime I see a new IR thread. I have yet to get out and actually try out my filter. I have shot around the yard but that is no fun and the pictures were boring. One of these days I am going to drag myself away and shoot some IR.

I must say I was a bit stumped on the windmill photo too but after yousaid what it was and I looked back, it all makes sense. I really like that one, I even liked it before I knew what it was ;)
These are great, I really like 2 and 4, I'm getting an IR filter next week.
They are just fantastic :D

Sorry for asking a very obvious question but what is an IR filter? I'm on just starting out but am bery interested in learning all I can :D
i can never get enough of this IR stuff. Another amazing series.
Thanks for the comments everybody :D
bytch_mynickname and el_shorty: good luck with your future IR photography
Little tip: if you shoot with a 350D and 50mm 1.8 (i shoot with these, so i only know this will work with that kit. Dont know about other lenses), on very sunny days you can use your autofocus. Just make sure you focus on something like a building or something else that is not a tree or bush or whatever (maybe it will work when you focus on a tree or whatnot, but i havent tried that yet). This will go way faster then the take filter off, focus, put filter on and twist the focus ring abit thing. All of the above pics are shot with autofocus.
Cheyenne: Best thing to do is Google it, you will be sure to find dozens of sites that explain the whole thing :)
Anyways, thanks again y'all :D

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