More Old Town stuff


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 24, 2024
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Northern California
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I recently visited a couple of older towns not far from where I live...Isleton & Locke, California. I hope I didn't post too many pictures in this thread :)

The following shots are from Isleton.

Auto parts store. I would love to see the neon lights working but that is probably wishful thinking.

Isleton Speed Shop.jpg

Me thinks we need more of this in our world today.

Isleton - everbody loves everybody resized.jpg

In a store front window, really?

Me and my dog resized.jpg

I prefer regular ice cream but this might do in a pinch.

Try our softserve edited resized.jpg

Let's hope so!

Theres more than weed and beer_.jpg

The following images were from Locke, California.

Interesting info on the creation of this town.

Welcome to Locke sign resized.jpg

Love me some B&W for scenes with old stuff. Hope I did a decent job on this one.

Barred front windows edited resized.jpg

This town is normally pretty quiet but come Saturday out for the rowdy crowd.

Bikers sign resized.jpg

Store fronts along Main Street.

Store fronts reduced.jpg

At one time we sure did glamorize cigarettes. Click this link to hear what advertisements for this Hit Parade brand of smokes sounded like.....

Hit Parade cigarettes.jpg

I imagine they bring this out on Saturday nights to give the bikers a little competition.

Red tricycle.jpg

A view of Main Street.

Main Street Locke.jpg

I want these business hours too!

Desired business hours.jpg

Amazing these advertisements made it through all the years.

Vintage western wear resized.jpg

Clearly someone else appreciates the past too.

White wagon.jpg
Cool stuff! Plenty of interesting information to absorb, thank you mate. Love the business hours sign..! 😄
Lovely nostalgic set.
Some very interesting shots.... :onthego:
Thank you Jeff. Some find this stuff interesting and then some don't. Hope I brightened your day even if just a little bit.
Lovely nostalgic set.
Thanks Wobe! Nostalgia is wonderful, especially in times when we are facing unprecedented challenges in our society. It is therapeutic for me :)

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