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What type of camera would you rather use?

would you rather use a Leica or a DSLR camera and why?

Leica hands down i hardly ever touch my DSLR's got a Leica M4-2 (black) and a Leica M4-P 70 year anniversary (chrome), i keep thinking about selling all my Canon kit to get an M9P
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Trick question: Leica has made DSLRs. So... BOTH! :lol: :mrgreen:
Are you asking if people prefer a digital rangefinder vs a through the lens viewing camera ?

Or is this specifically any Leica camera (I,II,III,CL,Mini,M-film,Leicaflex,R,M-digital,S,P&S) ?
They also make this:

Used Leica S2 SLR Digital Camera (Body Only) 10801 B&H Photo

ONLY $15k. ONLY. Better be the best damn camera I've ever used for that much.

I looked at it, liked it.. was all set to buy it, then I hit the calculate shipping link. $89? Are they insane? Nope, that was the deal breaker there. Don't mind spend 15k on the camera but I stone cold refuse to go above $82 for shipping. Rotfl..

I woke up my wife laughing at that... LOL

As for rangefinders, personally, I prefer a DSLR. Never used a digital RF, but I've played with enough film ones to say that as fun as they are, I'd rather a DSLR be my workhorse. That being said, I'd love an old Leica IIIc or f.
I don't know what the OP had in mind specifically, but if I were handed a Leica film rangefinder and a DSLR, I'd chose the Leica all day long, any day of the week. Why? Leica's legendary quality in both body and lens, and plus, I'd better know what to do with it than I would the DSLR. It would be a joy and a challenge in a way the DSLR would never be for me.
They also make this:

Used Leica S2 SLR Digital Camera (Body Only) 10801 B&H Photo

ONLY $15k. ONLY. Better be the best damn camera I've ever used for that much.

You do realize that at $15k for MF digital is actually on the cheap side?

Even at their MSRP of around 22k, its still cheaper than the Hasselblad competitor... and arguably a better field camera (while Hasselblad makes a better studio camera). Perhaps some thought before posting is in order. Did you just search BH for "DSLR" and sort by highest price forgetting to actually notice that the S2 is MF digital?

The root problem with these threads is people don't know what they are talking about... not enough to even have a serious discussion. Many don't even have enough time behind a rangefinder to even know what they are talking about. Also the fact that the OP with 1 post and only enough effort to write a few words is most likely just trolling...
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I was looking at a Leica page and my wife passed by and muttered that, if I bought that, she'd leave.
I immediately thought the cost might be worth it.
I was looking at a Leica page and my wife passed by and muttered that, if I bought that, she'd leave.
I immediately thought the cost might be worth it.

My wife said that already several times... she's still here. I guess there's enough of me to like that its still worth sticking around....
For the record, I've spent time behind a rangefinder and I would know what to do with it :)
They also make this:

Used Leica S2 SLR Digital Camera (Body Only) 10801 B&H Photo

ONLY $15k. ONLY. Better be the best damn camera I've ever used for that much.

I looked at it, liked it.. was all set to buy it, then I hit the calculate shipping link. $89? Are they insane? Nope, that was the deal breaker there. Don't mind spend 15k on the camera but I stone cold refuse to go above $82 for shipping. Rotfl..

I woke up my wife laughing at that... LOL

Lol.. well offer her my apologies.
Having not used a rangefinder for any length of time I have frame of reference. But if anyone wants to send me a digital Lieca for a few weeks I will certainly let you know my findings.

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