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What is being done to achieve this "look"?


TPF Noob!
Aug 12, 2008
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Western NC, USA
Can others edit my Photos
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I was looking around on flickr and came across some absolutely STUNNING shots. While also very good in subject matter and composition, the sheer clarity and sharpness and just overall "WOW!" of these pictures is stunning and light years beyond anything I've been able to produce. I was wondering if anyone had any idea what was being done in post processing to achieve this look? I'd love some input and advice! Thanks!

NOTE: These photographs are NOT mine and are only used here to illustrate what I am speaking about above.



Being old-fashioned (and old) I want to suggest a polarizer but I strongly suspect that there also was "after the shutter" HDR work involved.
I'd have to say its prolly HDR as well (looking at the clouds in the sky and the detailing of some of the items in the pictures).
Have to agree these look tone mapped at the least but are probably HDRs made from multiple exposures.

It's against the TPF ToS to post an image that you don't own copyright to.
I'm not so sure that much if any true HDR plays a role in these images, but certainly there is a good bit of careful Tonemapping being done.
Id say they were HDRs and taken with a Wide Angle Lens.
In the first photo, how is it that the wave in the foreground has the long exposure 'velvet' look to it, but the waves further back are clear and defined (shorter exposure look)? This must be some sort of HDR trickery surely...

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