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Spotlight on Members Interview with weepete

Good interview! I always look forward to your shots, Pete, and a great selection above. I was just telling my wife one day I'd love to go to Scotland for a landscape tour with weepete, and perhaps a distillery or two.
Good interview, both of you, and wonderful photos, Pete. I'd love to get to Scotland (and the Irelands); maybe someday.
Wow! That is wonderful how you blended the 3 together seamlessly. Thanks for sharing your technique.
Thanks, the sky and water was pretty easy, as it could be blended on the horizon line. The tree was challenging, and took several layers of blending, then refinements to get. Ideally it would have been a still day, and I woudn't have needed that fast shutter speed shot, but sometimes we just need to get around camera limitations!
@weepete I think we all have those missed opportunities that haunt us. I tell myself that the sun will rise again!
I'll need to start telling myself that too! 😁
Good interview! I always look forward to your shots, Pete, and a great selection above. I was just telling my wife one day I'd love to go to Scotland for a landscape tour with weepete, and perhaps a distillery or two.
Thanks zulu42! I don't think I'd make a good guide for photography, a lot of the places I know are spread out and a bit of a trek to get to, though I do know a few cool spots! I could definatley show you a few Scottish whiskys though 😉
Good interview, both of you, and wonderful photos, Pete. I'd love to get to Scotland (and the Irelands); maybe someday.
Thanks Snowbear! Scotland can be a really great place to visit, though there's a few things you need to be prepared for! If you are lucky, it's one of the most spectacular places in the world though. There's a deep, rugged, ancient beauty in our country!

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