to Photoshop or not to photoshop, that is the question.

To photoshop or not to photoshop, that is the question

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Well for me....I can see what everyone is saying. My point won't be changing anyone's mind on how they feel about it. I've only been a digital user and have never proccessed film myself. So, i see the point that is being made. There is no difference between pp in photoshop and developing your own film.

I think the point that whoever is trying to make is that too much pp (or none at all) in his eyes doesn't seem to be genuine picture. What is so wrong with him having an opinion? You have yours. Would you like someone to keep trying to throw s*** in your face on their veiw point? prolly not.

So you've made your statement. Some that are here to learn will read this and make their own decision on what they believe is right or wrong. which prolly isn't the right way to put that, cuz their is no right and wrong.
I think that most people are responding to IanM's wanting to claim 'photography' as his own definition and telling everyone else that what they are doing is not photography.

If he had said, "It's not what I do, everyone would have gone 'OK'." But since he persists in a basic misconception of the process, we are all happy to persist in trying to enlighten him.

It is part of our religion to proselytize.
I gotcha Traveler. ;)

I guess i'm just trying to help both sides out. I stated my opinon on the matter. Me and my boyfriend actually agrued about this very subject the other day. And i just came to realize that not everyone will agree on how much photoshop to use. I think it's wonderful for some pictures. But me, I guess I just want to have mine as close as possible to what i saw when snapping the pix. But some people envision more when settting up a shot and think of the things they could do to it in photoshop before they even hit the computer.

I for one, appreicate everyone's work. I might not like it, but hey, it is an art form and you have to appreciate it.

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