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Time Lapse


TPF Noob!
Jun 16, 2010
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Southern IL
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I wasn't sure if this was the place to show this. I finally figured out how to use a program called PK_Tether to do a time lapse video of my trip to school. Let me know what you think. Sorry again if i posted this in the wrong place.

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Cool video, but isn't time lapse suppose to be of the same setting? Like a flower growing up and dieing?
yeah i think you are right, i just wasn't sure what to call it. I guess the only part that makes it like a time lapse is the fact that they inside of the truck never moved in relation to the outside. so i guess its kind of a reverse time lapse.
I really liked it; enjoyed the "crazy" driving; for a difference you could have included the face of the driver in the mirror; by the way, are you a teacher or student ?

Regards :D
Thanks Frequency. That is a great idea to put the face in the mirror. Im gonna have to try that. I am a student, im working on my bachelor's in computer science.

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