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The Sparrow


Just Corinna in real life
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Feb 1, 2004
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Lower Saxony, Germany
Can others edit my Photos
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More admiration for the really GOOD bird photographers, after I took these yesterday:





All taken of the same bird at the same time.
Do you think there's any good one among them?
Full 300mm and still quite much cropped off the frame :(
How DO you get those close-ups!?
Swwet shots Corinna. I love the background colors and you have a very good dof here too! Nicely done. I have a lot of trouble with bird shots myself. Number 1 looks likes he's holding on for dear life! I'm torn between 2 and 3. Nice job! : )
These are very good!! I tried a cardinal again this morning with no luck! to far to really admire the pic...
These are good corinna, i think a few of them would benefit from a touch of the shadow/highlight filter (only with cs and cs2 i think), but that would only be to get them even more detailed, but as far as captures go, you've done well with your 300mm here :thumbup:

edit: if i could corinna, i can re-post one of them to show you what this filter can achieve?
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Well, I would be interested to see that, Archie! So feel free to edit the one you would like to edit most.
like i said corinna, you've done all the hard work of getting a capture close in, and in good focus...... but here's an edit of the second..... i used the shadow/highlight filter to bring out more detail and colour on his underside.... then did a slight curves adjustment..... and finished off with 'smart sharpen' (only on cs2)..... to make it a tad sharper. ;)

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Hey, that looks good!
Thanks for showing me.
Well, seems like I'll be stuck with my 6.0-version for another while to come, so ... I might try to shoot "my sparrows" in RAW in the future and see where I can go from there, maybe?
yea shooting them in raw will help...... it is also possible to create a similar effect to the shadow/highlight filter in ps6...... its fairly simple..... you just duplicate the layer...... then on the top layer set the layer mode (little drop down box on the layers pallet) to screen........ this will lighten it instantly..... then if it needs more, duplicate that layer.... it will then be twice as bright, but you can reduce the effect by using the opacity slider on the layers pallet untill its just right...... once you like it.... flatten the image..... its not quite as good as the filter but it helps :)
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:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Duckie! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
You are here!
What a surprise.
I was thinking about you only the other day, wondering how you were! And now you are here. That is so nice! :hug::
nice shots LaFoto.. looks like your efforts are paying off! Archie did just what I would do in CS., I guess my advice is patience.. I might stand still in from of a bush with sparrows or cardinals for a full hour.. and wait for the opportunity. You need to get them used to you, and let them learn that you are not a threat. and, of course, hanging around a feeder helps!
LaFoto said:
Hey, that looks good!
Thanks for showing me.
Well, seems like I'll be stuck with my 6.0-version for another while to come, so ... I might try to shoot "my sparrows" in RAW in the future and see where I can go from there, maybe?
Does PS Element 2 have more options the PS 6? And does it still come the Canons?
LaFoto said:
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Duckie! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
You are here!
What a surprise.
I was thinking about you only the other day, wondering how you were! And now you are here. That is so nice! :hug::

I'm glad you remembered, me my friend. Gee your shots have come such a very long way! I'm really impressed. If I get the chance, I will post a few of my own crappy shots - not a touch on yours but maybe worth a look.

Cheers mate.
:) what a cutie, there numbers have been nosediving up here, i hope it is not the same around you. The shadow highlight filter can be great, but watch out not to over do it, and check your moniter is nicely calibrated too. I like what archangle did, but on my work moniters it looks over done, with the coulors getting reticulated, i think it looks best if it does not look like it has been done. It is only recently that i have realized just how high a % of pictures posted have had this done to them but i guess it sure beats having to chuck out the photo with the perfect subject and timing but not quite exposed correctly.


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