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MY main squeeze is now my cell phone. iPhone 14 pro


TPF Noob!
Oct 4, 2012
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Ontario Canada
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Even though I shoot thousands of photo’s every year usually throwing away at east 5 for everyone I keep, last year 2024… I kept over 1000 cell phone photos and over 600 DSLR photos. Given that iPhones are the most commonly used cameras on flickr, with Canon in second, I can see this cutting into camera sales even more as they get better. The low light capacity of these phone sis very good, probably due to some in camera stacking, it shoots raw, and at 24mm equivalent it shoots 48 MP and the images hold up compared with my 36 MP FF.

Some examples….
2024-10-21-AP-Opeongo-Access by Norm Head, on Flickr

2024-10-08-AP-Starling-Lk_lookout by Norm Head, on Flickr

2024-10-07-Lk-St-Peter-PP-12 by Norm Head, on Flickr

2024-08-22-AP-Opeongo-Annie's-Bay-fishing-1 by Norm Head, on Flickr

2024-07-21-AP-Penn-to-Rock-access-9 by Norm Head, on Flickr

2024-07-19-Penn-Lake_sunset by Norm Head, on Flickr

My wildlife images still require a DSLR,.
2025-02-26-Feeder-Creatures_RB-nuthatch by Norm Head, on Flickr

But for less than 100 mm, the iPhone has pretty much taken over. MY wife is having a similar time with her Google Pixel 7.
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