The Passing of a Son


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Mar 18, 2021
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The Colony, Texas, USA
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Just over a week ago, my son Daniel passed unexpectedly. He was 30 years old. For the past fifteen years he struggled with mental health and addiction (they go hand in hand), and he lost that battle. I had to break into the bathroom and pull him out into the hallway so that we could administer CPR while waiting on the paramedics. Now I am collecting my thoughts and my memories of him. Hug those around you, and walk with those who struggle through life, because even if they are a mess, they need people to be there with them. I will miss Daniel greatly but I know that he is now free of his pain and is in a much better place. Rest in peace, Daniel; you will be always in my heart.
So sorry to hear this. I too have relatives with mental health issues, but have been very lucky.

Good advise, for all of us.
Jeff, I am really sorry to hear your terrible news,,
G'day mate

May I share your grief to take some of the load from your shoulders

It is never good to have a child die from whatever cause, and the hurt will remain for a long time. So will the memories, the memories of the good times, the smiles, the interactions with you and his mother

Hugs to you - and hold onto the good memories
@jeffashman my condolences on your loss and prayers that you find peace. Addiction coupled with mental issues is a horrible thing. I unfortunately know well the struggles of a father of a child with mental issues and addiction. I 've gone through periods of blaming myself for not being the right kind of parent, of not doing enough, but after countless near death ODs and doctors telling you they don't think your child will make it, you begin to realize the blame lies with the addict. No one, including the parent or treatment programs, can help them unless "they" truly want to change.
I am so sorry for your loss. I wish I had the words to make your pain go away. I have not lost a child, but I have lost my mother, father, and a sister in the last 10 years. I will be praying for you.
Jeff, thank you for sharing this with us. I'm so sorry for your loss. There really are no words for this but we're here, for as much or as little as you feel like talking. Condolences to you and your family, my friend.
Jeff, I am so sorry to hear of this. Please accept my most sincere condolences, prayers up for you and your family.
Quiet thoughts of peace for you and yours. So sorry
I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm glad you have memories of Daniel to keep with you. Take care Jeff.
I can only imagine your pain Jeff. I have no words.

Be at peace now young man.
I am so sorry to hear of this Jeff, I can feel your pain from the loss of Daniel and know how you feel. Please take care.
Words can never bring him back or ease your pain. Only memories can do that. Let him live in your heart and your memories of him.
Thank you Everyone for your well wishes and condolences!

This is Daniel when he was living in Dana Point, California, at a Southern California Recovery Center facility. It was the best time of his life, and he was thriving and had a lot of hope. Unfortunately, he had to return to Texas and things did not go well after that. (Photro credit, my wife Karen).
Daniel by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr

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