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Shooting Kids in public places

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Feb 17, 2012
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San Jose, Cali, The Heart of Silicon Valley
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When I was in cosplayers convention, I took pictures at children wearing costumes, and parents don't seem to mind. At public places, I see some photographers shoot kids with one or two photos. I'm puzzling shooting kids on public places. The parents may feel uncomfortable. If I ask their permission and give them a business card, what if they change their mind later and want me to take these photos down from public viewing? There is no document or contract states I have the right to keep these photos and do whatever I want. I just want to know what you guys think.
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It's a fascinating relic of older times, I believe. It's not rational at all, but many people feel it very very strongly.
I would not take photos of strangers children and post them online. Like amolitor said, some people feel very strongly about it. Is that what your asking?
I would not take photos of strangers children and post them online. Like amolitor said, some people feel very strongly about it. Is that what your asking?

Exactly. Get a model release if you are going to do so.
Technically they shouldnt be able to stop you from posting the images in a gallery or portfolio. However, the strong emotions are likely to invite legal trouble and complications anyway, which you dont want no matter what.

A model release is best. Otherwise, security by obscurity is next best id say. Go to where the kids are armed with your own kid (offer to babysit for a friend for free if you aren't a parent), and make it look like you are just snapping photos of them. Also an unintimidating lens or camera

If you do use a release, make one just for kids that has more restrictions than a typical adult one to make parents more secure feeling. Only ask for what you know you need instead of what you might ever need.
When I was in cosplayers convention, I took pictures at children wearing costumes, and parents don't seem to mind. At public places, I see some photographers shoot kids with one or two photos. I'm puzzling shooting kids on public places. The parents may feel uncomfortable. If I ask their permission and give them a business card, what if they change their mind later and want me to take these photos down from public viewing? There is no document or contract states I have the right to keep these photos and do whatever I want. I just want to know what you guys think.

I always wonder about the state of a society when this question arises.
If it's assumed there's a pervert on the loose because you take pictures of what can be seen on any public street; I would be forced to assume, that society is either sick or indoctrinated.
It is legal to take photos of kids in public places and post or publish them as long as they are not used for advertising purposes. A contract or release can be taken "the wrong way",...as in what is going on, here?...Why do I need to read and sign material?
If youre not doing anything wrong then dont worry. But if you have kids and wouldnt want someone to do the same thing the keep that in mind as well.
If youre not doing anything wrong then dont worry. But if you have kids and wouldnt want someone to do the same thing the keep that in mind as well.

Most people here should be able to identify a serious photographer by how he is shooting. I certainly can.
If youre not doing anything wrong then dont worry. But if you have kids and wouldnt want someone to do the same thing the keep that in mind as well.

Most people here should be able to identify a serious photographer by how he is shooting. I certainly can.

People here are all photographers... that logic obviously doesnt apply to general public the same way
Go ahead and shoot them, just remember they are slower than a running dog so you don't need to lead them as much. :gun:
Go ahead and shoot them, just remember they are slower than a running dog so you don't need to lead them as much. :gun:

That's sick and twisted.. you should never lead people to believe that muzzle velocity and range won't play a role in that! :lmao:

If you feel weird shooting a child in a public space, you basically answer your own question...

As a parent myself, if I saw you shooting pictures with my kids in the frame, I wouldn't mind. If I saw you taking pictures of my kids as the main subject, I'd move in after a few shoots.

At that point, you'd better start talking to me, identify yourself and explain a bit why you took these shoots.

The legality of it in this case doesn't matter. If I see you as a threat I will make you leave or worst call the authorities on you as a potential sexual predator.

A long post to basically say that if you feel bad about it, it's probably your instinct telling you you are endangering yourself.
If you feel weird shooting a child in a public space, you basically answer your own question...

As a parent myself, if I saw you shooting pictures with my kids in the frame, I wouldn't mind. If I saw you taking pictures of my kids as the main subject, I'd move in after a few shoots.

At that point, you'd better start talking to me, identify yourself and explain a bit why you took these shoots.

The legality of it in this case doesn't matter. If I see you as a threat I will make you leave or worst call the authorities on you as a potential sexual predator.

A long post to basically say that if you feel bad about it, it's probably your instinct telling you you are endangering yourself.

I don't feel weird about it. I'm concern the nature of the parents. What feel bad about what? What do you think I'm endangered myself? I'm not a sexual predator. I suggest you don't response my thread, ever!
On a serious note, you could just ask and offer a few shots to the parents to show some appreciation.

There often seems to be this barrier that prevents photographers from simply seeking permission and being courteous .. whether it's people or property.
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