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self timer and some mommy & me time


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 3, 2010
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he had wanted to build this thing for a couple days but I didn't want baby sister to have a fit over it and it would have been a nightmare.. so Friday was a teacher workday and only he and I were home so I took a few shots and set the self timer in between for a few to jump in the frame. far from "perfect" but happy to have them <3

1CBC_4344 by Bonnie Craig, on Flickr

2CBC_4346 by Bonnie Craig, on Flickr

3CBC_4348 by Bonnie Craig, on Flickr

4CBC_4354 by Bonnie Craig, on Flickr

5CBC_4357 by Bonnie Craig, on Flickr

6CBC_4364 by Bonnie Craig, on Flickr

7CBC_4373 by Bonnie Craig, on Flickr

8CBC_4380 by Bonnie Craig, on Flickr

9CBC_4381 by Bonnie Craig, on Flickr

10CBC_4384 by Bonnie Craig, on Flickr
What a wonderful set of photos! He's grown so big from wehn we first saw him! Good to see you again on TPF!
I prepped him on the way home from dropping off his sister and asked him if I could take some pictures when we build the house? He happily said yes! Bribery works wonderfully at this age. lol
Nice pics, and it's good to see you around here again! In #9, he reminds me so much of my nephews...

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