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Self Portrait


TPF Noob!
Jun 13, 2012
Reaction score
Olive Branch, MS
Can others edit my Photos
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Just playing around. Trying the camera out. I know I have a lot to learn....lol
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uhm because

A) nobody finds your door frames all that entertaining.
B) it's called "portrait" orientation for good reason ;) \
Where's TGordon? All I see is the reflection of one bored dude with a camera.
Find a better, less busy background.
If you don't have a tripod, put some boxes on a table to get the height you want.
Use a bag of beans or something similar to position the camera.
Use manual focus...you will need a stand in of some sort the set your focus, even a broom.
The broom should be about where your eyes will be.
Use an aperture of 5.6 to 8 to make sure you get your face focused.
Use your ten second timer.

Run and knock the broom out of the way and quickly strike a pose that shows your character, because I am sure you are not as boring as you look in that image. ;)
Wow!! Great info and thanks everyone.... I will do that in my next shot...
You have a big advantage as your cam has a flip screen! Making it over 9000 times easier as you can see what you are photographing;). But your doing well, and I hope your learning well!
Self-portraits are always awkward affairs. Get creative and ham it up! At least crack a big smile on that handsome face. ;)
Tomorrow shot will be a white background and smile..
All good info. It was just a snapshot of you with your toy, not a self portrait IMO.

show the joy of having your camera. I'm sure you have a great smile, but you also have a good serious face to me...so do one of each...an intriguing/serious look, and have fun making them

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