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Question on editing a photo in LR and then Photoshop.


TPF Noob!
Apr 21, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Do you edit the raw image first in LR, export to JPEG, and then open the JPEG in Photoshop and edit that?

Or do you edit in LR, export in raw and edit a raw image file in PS?

Sorry, but this is new to me..

Well... How you process the RAW or what program you use is up to you... however, you don't process the RAW twice. Simple answer is Lightroom-JPEG-Photoshop. You can skip Lightroom and just process the RAW in Photoshop, once you have processed the RAW, you then open it in Photoshop as a JPEG to do additional editing.

Have I confused you?
lightroom.. then right click, go to "edit in" .. photoshop. i believe if you export from lr as jpeg to then edit in ps you lose quality every time you save as jpeg as it compresses?
No confusion. Got it. Thanks!
lightroom.. then right click, go to "edit in" .. photoshop. i believe if you export from lr as jpeg to then edit in ps you lose quality every time you save as jpeg as it compresses?

You are correct... I was having a hard time explaining that one!
Don't edit JPEGs unless you're forced to do so.

LR to 16 bit TIFF to Photoshop for more editing if necessary and then you can go to JPEG. NEVER edit a JPEG unless there's a gun to your head.


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