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Pups and the lensbaby twist

Aug 6, 2012
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near St Louis
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After I saw @jesse101 portraits with Helios I remembered I had the lens baby twist 60. Which I realize isn't quite the optics of the Helios. The pups were patient with me while I manual focused.


Oscar - lens baby by Cheryl, on Flickr


Quincy - lens baby by Cheryl, on Flickr

Dig #2 Quincy. A pup with attitude!
Very nice, did they get treats for posing so cute?

I have some manual focus Legacy glass from the 60-70's that in the right situation outshines the modern day offerings. When shooting manual handheld I use the rocking method with focus peeking, to catch the focal point at it's sharpest focus. Pentax also has a Catch-In-Focus shutter release mode, that works well with the rocking method. Just manual focus close, fully depress the shutter button, and rock back and forth. When the camera senses focus it releases the shutter.
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Beautiful shots of lovely dogs.... :encouragement:
Thanks Jeff!

Dig #2 Quincy. A pup with attitude!
Thanks! Yep Mr Quincy has attitude :)

Very nice, did they get treats for posing so cute?

I have some manual focus Legacy glass from the 60-70's that in the right situation outshines the modern day offerings. When shooting manual handheld I use the rocking method with focus peeking, to catch the focal point at it's sharpest focus. Pentax also has a Catch-In-Focus shutter release mode, that works well with the rocking method. Just manual focus close, fully depress the shutter button, and rock back and forth. When the camera senses focus it releases the shutter.
Yes Lots of treats! I'll have to try out focus peaking.
Yes Lots of treats! I'll have to try out focus peaking

Focus peaking and Catch-In-focus are different but can be used combined. The problem I've found with Catch-in-focus is that the camera (as in AF Mode) may not exactly choose the focal point "I' wanted.

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