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Puppy Portraits


TPF Noob!
Dec 12, 2016
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These are some photos I took of my in-laws' puppy, Tuck, shortly after they brought him home back in May. I hope you enjoy them. Who doesn't like puppy photos?

All photos are taken using a Micro Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 lens.

Cute pup (of course what puppy isn't cute?). One thought would be to shoot from a greater or distance or with a wider focal length to avoid cropping bits of his/her head out of the frame.
I like that last one. He's being stealthy?
One thought would be to shoot from a greater or distance or with a wider focal length to avoid cropping bits of his/her head out of the frame.

Thanks for the critique. When I shot these the 105 was the only lens I had. I did my best to put distance between us, but believe it or not, he kept running after me! I like the close crop on a couple of them, but I agree that most would benefit from more space around the dog.

I like that last one. He's being stealthy?

He was doing his best. Unfortunately for him he was quite large for a puppy. He is over 120 lbs now and is not yet 1 year old.
Oh, so he's really a buffalo in disguise. A cutie, non the less.

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