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Picture going to be blurred eventhough my focus works pretty well

Looked at the picture: focus is good, shutter speed was okay, the softness is strictly due to the ISO level of 1,000 or ISO 1,250 or whatever...the image would have been VERY sharp at lower ISO, or with flash.
It is not taken with flash, a tiny bit detail is coming from like, when I tried my best with the lower ISO, the picture seems to get darker much that even lightroom has nothing to deal with it...
There may also be a problem with handshake like when you click a picture your hand might be shaking a bit, isn't it something like this?
So, due to the perspective I took, is from under coming up above, it causes me some unnecessary strain on both hands and legs. I guess I've gotten a little bit shaken, but I guess the main cause is mentioned by ac12 and bratkinson that clearly it comes from the auto-focus one, it gets silly sometimes. Indeed, I'm way too abused it without thinking about manual focus!!

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