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Magical moonlight (and a new lens!)


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 21, 2013
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Bailey, Colorado
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Well, my hubby broke our going on 8 year tradition of NOT exchanging gifts, and surprised me with the Tamron 70-300 I have been keeping a close eye on! It was snowy and overcast ALL day here with no opportunity to really test it out. I was lucky enough to notice that the moon decided to grace us with her presence for just enough time for me to get a few test shots in. About an hour later, the clouds were back and if you hadn't known it to be true, you would think it had never happened.

I had a little fun in photoshop with this one.

Blessed be.

Just rain here... jealous about your snow.
You ought to get some good use out of the Tamron 70-300mm lens. I find the 70-300 lightweight type lens a pleasure to use on a lot of outings...lighter than a 70-200, and longer reach as well, and just easier to carry around, especially when you do not want to carry a lot of weight or a big, chunky lens.

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