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I swear to God I'm women are insane.


TPF Noob!
Aug 10, 2005
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You are. All of you. Just when I think, 'hey, here's a sane girl', pfft...yeah...until she takes the crazy pills and starts bouncing offf the padded walls!

I'm drunk. Don't mind me.
Is the title of this thread supposed to read 'I'm a woman and insane'?
Honesty is always the best policy - even if the truth comes as a surprise :lol:
Alcohol is a truth-telling device you know, Hertz. ;)
Women aren't insane! Er...ok..well, maybe a little bit sometimes...but you guys make us that way....and guys are weird too...so there. Hmph!
im not even gonna quote all the stuff you say in chat Corry, cause what you say there is really insane. And im sure the guys in there dont make you say it :mrgreen:
bace said:
You are. All of you. Just when I think, 'hey, here's a sane girl', pfft...yeah...until she takes the crazy pills and starts bouncing offf the padded walls!

I'm drunk. Don't mind me.

Not all women are insane. Only the ones that you find with your beer googles on. :greenpbl:
Cograts bace. I commend you on coming out in such a public forum. That must have been hard, but you are stronger that you thought. I guess giving up smoking also gave you this inner strength.
I would have to disagree. My theory is that men just dont get it 90% of the time.. and in turn that makes woman go "insane"

You cannot understand us because we are just smarter, more complex beings!;)


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