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I swear to God I'm women are insane.

Funny though that is, it's flawed in two ways.

It's one of the most misquoted tihngs. It's actually "the love of money is the root of all evil"

Also "and" denotes + not x

so really money + money = evil

girls = 2 x money

So yeh girls take all your money and can easily be mistaken for evil :lol:
By the same logic:

Girls = money x time

We all have money in our pockets and time on our hands so:

Girls = hands in pockets

As it is a well known fact that when you have nothing to do you lounge around with your hands in your pockets, it follows that:

Girls = nothing

(There is an outside possibility that Girls = Pocket Lint but I think it unlikely)

I've just checked my calculations and I find I have misplaced the decimal point.
The real answer is:

Nothing (is equal to) Girls
Whoa. Forgot about this thread.

The crazy girl is still here.

Damnit, I can't get rid of her crazyness.
Hertz van Rental said:
Girls aren't evil.
They are witches certainly, but nothing that much fun can be evil :mrgreen:

Just swap the W for a B & you've got it! :lol:

OK it's time to go now! :guilty:
I will have to agree on the crazy, insane qualities of women. Each woman is a bit off in her own way. Evil I do not agree with as Hertz puts it "they are too much fun to be evil". However, in some religions having too much fun in the work of the devil so I could be wrong. That still does not change the fact that women are off in some way. Maybe not crazy or insane but chaotic. It must have something to do with their cycle. And it is true that men do not understand women. Men are logical and the chaotic nature of women make it difficult for men to understand why women do the things they do. Fortunately, all is forgotten when the two get together for a little whoopee (can I say that here?). hehe, whoopee. That is a funny word.
Don't get me wrong. I love women. Most beautiful creatures on earth, but my statement above still stands (minus the 'I'm women' part).

They're crazy.

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