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I just need a flat cap and some old man driving gloves now.


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Finally got a car. :)




Back off to Wales on Wednesday to pick her up. For some reason I'm calling her Sally in my head. :crazy:
Oh no, the steering wheel is on the wrong side. :)

Congrats. :)
Ohhhh, look at that. :thumbup: Great looking car.

And all I can think is that it wants to be photographed on Time Zero, and manipulated. :blushing: It's perfect!

being a stranger to british cars, what is it?
Sally is just a beaut!!! Congrats.
And all I can think is that it wants to be photographed on Time Zero, and manipulated.
Well, only one of us has that stuff. So you'd have to come over here and take some pictures. :mrgreen:

being a stranger to british cars, what is it?
Triumph Herlad 13/60 Convertible.
It was something like this or a boring Clio/Fiesta/Corsa. It'll cost more in fuel, but there is no depreciation (it'll be worth more than it was bought for with just a slight clean-up), no tax to pay and the insurance is less that £200 (fully comp.).
It was reg'd in '68. So the car is 38 years old. :mrgreen:


My wife wants one of those!

I want a Spitfire!
It shares lots of parts with the Spit. I plan on fitting overdrive and when I do I'll buy a Spit box with it already on there. It bolts straight on and just needs a shorter prop shaft (the Vitesse one fits) and wiring up.

Gonna fit an alternator as well. It has a dymo and that won't provide enough charge for when I fit new lights (the originals are ****e) and fog lamps.

Forgot to add.

*shoots tempra*
Please tell me that it doesn't have Lucas wiring in it? :pale:
benhasajeep said:
Oh no, the steering wheel is on the wrong side. :)

The steering wheel is on the right side. It's the rest of the universe that's the wrong way round. Einstein proved that, but the CIA burned the papers.

Congratulations Ferny! So where will you put the neons? :-P
It does. But it has almost no electrics to go wrong. :mrgreen:

It doesn't even have reverse or hazard lights. They weren't a legal requirement back then. So that's two more jobs to the ever mounting list. :mrgreen:

So where will you put the neons?
Nah, neons aren't my thing. Which is odd in some ways. I've had a subsciption to this mag for about three years now. I was buying it long before that as well.
http://www.redlinemag.com/ Some bits not work safe.
very very cool car ferny! congrats :cheer: :hugs:

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