It doesn't help that I been dealing with a lot of personal issues too, I'm struggling with life currently. It's just getting hard staying interested in hobbies when you feel alone and like you don't matter to anyone. It's not easy you know?
I appreciate the compliment though
Even people in sunny regions in the world get depressed.
I can imagine that living in your area, where winters are long and dark, in a less populated area, you get exposed more to lonelyness and the light gets out in your head.
The energy can get sucked out of you and drive you in a burn-out or something like that.
Life doesn't come with a manual, it can be hard, ... I speak for myself now, but I understand how it feels to lose the grip on life, to get addicted, tempted, out of focus and distracted, frustrated, we can have social anxieties, or other anxieties that keep you away from living your life at 100%, getting low self esteem and courage. I sometimes feel lonely in a group of people, just because I can't connect to them.
There are so much parameters that can get you in a negative spiral, even if you grew up with a happy childhood.
I don't know if it's rude to say "go talk to a therapist, maybe they can help more professionally", or with a good friend? Or if you ever feel the need to talk here, we're here for you, or via DM. Even if there's nothing going on, talking helps a lot.
In the last couple of years I've been reading books trying to help myself out of things, to reset me, and I learned we're not alone dealing with life, the struggle seems to be in many many people's heads.
The Mountain Is You from Brianna Wiest is a cool book, or Sadhguru's Inner Engineering, or A New Earth from Eckhart Tolle.
Or David Goggins book Can't Hurt Me, and stuff like that.
In every book I read there's something that pops a spark of light: 'hey, that sounds familiar, I have this too.'