Would a UV filter (or any filter) protect the surface of my lens from condensation? I would think it would reduce the shock when going outdoors and allow time for the lens surface to become acclimated to the humid weather so it doesn't steam up.
Other than slowly acclimating the camera to the out door environment, any other tips for going from an Air Conditioned hotel room out into the humid air?
For Example:
1. As we approach our destination in our car, slowly turn the AC off and then open the window to the car, but leave the camera in the case.
2. After we get to our destination, leave the camera in the case for 10-15 mins before taking it out of the bag
3. Wait a 5-10 more minutes to take the lens cap off.
I plan to not carry the case with me while we hike, but just carry the camera around my neck, so silica gel packets won't be necessary.