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TPF Noob!
Aug 21, 2023
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Hopewell, NJ
Can others edit my Photos
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Hello from New Jersey. It’s a heavily guarded secret that most of NJ is gorgeous. It’s not called the garden state for nothin’! While I joined some time ago, I’m just getting around to introducing myself. I’ve been wandering through this world with one camera or another since I was a teen. Ended up at the University or New Mexico School of Fine Art where I was fortunate to study under the likes of Beaumont Newhall, Tom Barrow and Betty Hahn when Van Deren Coke chaired the department. What a fantastic education in the fine art of photography. I wasn’t aware at the time that making a living in the Fine Art world meant teaching – not for me. I worked in commercial photo for a while (mainly corporate and freelance photojournalism) then moved on. After many years as a software engineer, I’m back! My primary interest is large and medium format film and I shoot 6x9 cm and some 4x5 (4x5 not so much at the moment). I recently picked up a Voigtlander Bessa II and have a Crown Graphic 4x5 that I’ve set up as a point-n-shoot. I also have an interest in non-silver and historic processes. I have however, crossed over to the digital world and also shoot with a Nikon D600 and Fujifilm X-Pro2, actually much more than film, as the cost is getting prohibitive. It’s great to be joining an active international community of folks still solidly behind Cartier-Bresson’s ‘decisive moment’.
Welcome! Been many years since I visited your state, experienced not only the concrete jungle, but the rural side of the state.

There's a battle within me to go back to film, but the lazy side of me is firmly planted in digital. I still have several rolls of film in the refrigerator......Just in case. 😁
Hello from New Jersey. It’s a heavily guarded secret that most of NJ is gorgeous. It’s not called the garden state for nothin’! While I joined some time ago, I’m just getting around to introducing myself. I’ve been wandering through this world with one camera or another since I was a teen. Ended up at the University or New Mexico School of Fine Art where I was fortunate to study under the likes of Beaumont Newhall, Tom Barrow and Betty Hahn when Van Deren Coke chaired the department. What a fantastic education in the fine art of photography. I wasn’t aware at the time that making a living in the Fine Art world meant teaching – not for me. I worked in commercial photo for a while (mainly corporate and freelance photojournalism) then moved on. After many years as a software engineer, I’m back! My primary interest is large and medium format film and I shoot 6x9 cm and some 4x5 (4x5 not so much at the moment). I recently picked up a Voigtlander Bessa II and have a Crown Graphic 4x5 that I’ve set up as a point-n-shoot. I also have an interest in non-silver and historic processes. I have however, crossed over to the digital world and also shoot with a Nikon D600 and Fujifilm X-Pro2, actually much more than film, as the cost is getting prohibitive. It’s great to be joining an active international community of folks still solidly behind Cartier-Bresson’s ‘decisive moment’.
Welcome to the Forum.

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