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Grey Card or White Card or Black Card??


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jul 2, 2007
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Washington DC
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I've been looking for a 'grey card' and, of course, there's a bagillion options. I always thought a GREY CARD was GREY. I've been reading a lot about using a WHITE card to set white balance.

I like the black, grey and white one and read some good reviews but am not sure if I should get a grey grey card. or a white grey card. or a black grey card.

Any insight would be much appreciated!


I use the bottom one and it works great. No complaints at all, and glad I got it.
A gray card is used to set the white balance.
Both white and black are just shades of gray.

Digital photographs are are made using varying amounts of 3 colors - Red, Green, Blue.

An equal amount of each the 3 is a shade of gray.

White is R=255, G=255, B=255.
Black is R=0, G=0, B=0.

R=50, G=50, B=50 is 18% gray, the most common value for a 'gray card'.

I use the Whibal card from http://mtapesdesign.com/.

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