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From The 4th


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Mar 29, 2016
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Using some suggestions from @ronlane I was able to do some decent fireworks shots Saturday night at the RV Resort we were at. The fireworks were okay for a small show, just not multiple burst that you might expect at larger events. These were all shot at 45mm, F/11, at 5secs, then composited into the single image here. Using Ron's suggestion, I used manual focus to set a focal point on at about the same distance as the fireworks were going off, then left it alone.

4th Of July 2020 by William Raber, on Flickr
Beautiful! Nice work stitching them together =]
Celebrations, cool.
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Beautiful! Nice work stitching them together =]

Thank you. These were each individual shots. I guess the park thought they could make the show last longer by firing them off one at a time. :biggrin-93:

Looks good. I promise you that no one will ask if that is a composite.

To late Mike already did. LOL Your tip on focusing on infinity, using f/11, and the levels layer really helped.
Beautiful! Nice work stitching them together =]

Thank you. These were each individual shots. I guess the park thought they could make the show last longer by firing them off one at a time. :biggrin-93:

Looks good. I promise you that no one will ask if that is a composite.

To late Mike already did. LOL Your tip on focusing on infinity, using f/11, and the levels layer really helped.

Only Photogs will have any idea about that. Most normal people will just say, that's a great shot.
wow gorgeous!!

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