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found this while hiking


TPF Noob!
Jan 5, 2005
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Syracuse, NY
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Neat shot. I would love to find out the story behind it too. Nicely done.

I noticed the small stones placed on the top of the cross. I have been trying to find the history of that. Seems to be pretty common here as well. I was wondering if it was related to one specific religion or nationality.
I was walking back towards my car from a waterfall I discovered when wandering the mountains. I saw this grave, It is in the middle of nowhere no nearby cemetary or anything. I'm not sure about any story but the deceased was only 12 years old. I have seen this stones on the grave thing before as well but have no idea as to its signifigance.
I'd be incredibly surprised if one is allowed to (legally) bury a human being in the woods. Perhaps it's someone's beloved pet?
I found something similar, but it was a makeshift memorial to a person who had been hit by a train.
Im wondering maybe this person passed on near here. Maybe fell over a cliff or something.
Very interesting.
I agree. Kinda strange, in such a remote area like that.

Nice capture, anyway. :thumbup: Would love to know the story behind that one!
I know it’s a Jews tradition, but this is cross? Google and fould this, seem to fit.

---most American Jews came from Eastern Europe, and this is a folk custom which originated there. It has no basis in any religious beliefs aside from the importance of remembering our loved ones who have died. We are supposed to visit the graves of our deceased relatives on the anniversary of their deaths and around certain holy seasons. It still means a lot to some people to go there and see that others have visited. The stones that we leave behind are a visible token that this soul has not been forgotten. It is not a religious requirement to do this.
good find..... i think its more of a memorial too.... there are a few in my local area in a spot where someone has died, but not burried. So maybe this youngster came off a bike or something, and that was the spot were it happened.

Nice capture tho :thumbup:
spike5003 said:
I was walking back towards my car from a waterfall I discovered when wandering the mountains. I saw this grave, It is in the middle of nowhere no nearby cemetary or anything. I'm not sure about any story but the deceased was only 12 years old. I have seen this stones on the grave thing before as well but have no idea as to its signifigance.

Placing stones on graves like this is a Jewish traditon, but, others seem to be doing now as well. Go to any local Jewish Cemetery and almost all graves will have them. I mentioned this in a post in GRAVES...Rabbi Loew (of the Golam legend fame)..easy to spot by the small pebbles that are left – huge pile!

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