Flower and Birds


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Aug 6, 2012
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near St Louis
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1. Dogwood tree in my yard

Dogwood by Cheryl, on Flickr

2. I was at the nature center watching the Cardinal's mate when the female flew over me, landed, and then turned her head.

Cardinal by Cheryl, on Flickr

3. Red-Winged Black bird at the nature center

Red-Winged Black Bird Singing by Cheryl, on Flickr
Wonderful set! I've noticed the Redwing Blackbirds are back in our area. I hear one in the morning nearby, but it hasn't visited the feeder yet, that I know of.
I have never seen the Redwing blackbirds at our feeders, but they love the nature center watershed area.
I have never seen the Redwing blackbirds at our feeders, but they love the nature center watershed area.
I've had one visit in the past. I suspect the one I'm hearing in the morning is the same one. They gather down at the beaver pond where the cattails are growing, and most don't venture into the neighborhood.
I've had one visit in the past. I suspect the one I'm hearing in the morning is the same one. They gather down at the beaver pond where the cattails are growing, and most don't venture into the neighborhood.
They must like cattails. They hang out there at the watershed.
Nice shots!
Funny, I see several Redwing blackbirds, both groundfeeding and at the tube feeder - though they are a little big for it. It's funny to watch!

This is a nice set, Cheryl! I just love the perfect moment you caught with the female cardinal. Excellent shot!
Beautiful shots, love No.2 looking back at you.
Love the Redwing Blackbird.
One of my favorites too. Cardinals hang out at the backyard feeders.

Nice shots!
Thanks Mitch!

Funny, I see several Redwing blackbirds, both groundfeeding and at the tube feeder - though they are a little big for it. It's funny to watch!

This is a nice set, Cheryl! I just love the perfect moment you caught with the female cardinal. Excellent shot!
Thanks Terri! The female cardinal was a surprise. Glad I had the settings dialed in when I was watching the male.

Beautiful shots, love No.2 looking back at you.
thanks Wobe!

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