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Evening walk to a local park


TPF Noob!
Apr 15, 2012
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Hi friends,
I am super excited as today have got my Manfrotto 190CXPRO4 with 490CR2 ball head. Headed out to the local park for some test shots . So here's the result . C&C and let me know the flaws..
BTW , it seems to me that the tripod is the best investment I have done till date owing to the great finish and awesome stability and super light weight of the manfrotto.


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Both pictures are great. Second is partially overexposed and out of focus. If the aim is to obtain a long exposure to have the blurred waterfall effect. An appropriate neutral density filter or a polarizing filter, or both together, with narrow aperture will help you achieve the effect while maintaining focus.

It appears you were at the Minnehaha falls park early morning so that the sun is behind the camera. Every time I have been there, afternoon hours usually, the revelers just fill up the area behind on sides of the falling water.
Thanks for the C&C.
Well you are right !!The second one is a little out of focus as I was trying to focus manually . However, I anyhow like the little out of focus as it creates a dreamy kind of look. Not sure about the overexposure .

And yes its the Minnehaha park. I was lucky enouh not to have any people near the waterfalls at that time. Otherwise its really difficult..
Really like the second, regardless of the focus. I will be up there this coming weekend for work, but will have the camera along. Was kind of planning a trip down here and you have given me a little more excitement about it. One of my favorite shots ever was taken right across the river at Hidden Falls Park. I went to Concordia in St. Paul and spent some time at Hidden Falls. Thanks.
Thank you so much for the comments..
Well Deaky now I have to go to Hidden Falls Park as I have never been there...
Regarding the new tripod, I can't say much more than congratulations; it sounds much better than what I use. Here are my thoughts on the two photos:

#1: The comp strikes me as very unusual and difficult to access. The human subject seems totally out of place, a feeling further enhanced by the incongruous contrast and clothing. I'm curious why you shot this at ISO 2000 - seems awfully fast. Nevertheless, the background is gentle and dreamy.

#2: My first thought was colour oversaturation, but I'm not so sure now. With all that grey rock and water, it almost look selectively-coloured. Is that yellowish vegetation on the cliff or afternoon sunlight, or both? The sky is blown. I like the composition, though I might try to work around that sky, perhaps by cropping ever so slightly, and taking a bit off of the left side which starts to get a little lost. I don't know enough about shooting blurred water to comment on that.
Both images are great but second image is more beautiful for me. Thanks for sharing !!
Thank you so much for the comments..
Well Deaky now I have to go to Hidden Falls Park as I have never been there...

There is a lot of area there, but from the parking lot, go straight north below the road into the park, back towards the Ford plant. Watch for the stairway on the left that leads back up to the street level.

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