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dont understand the terms


TPF Noob!
May 28, 2009
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danbury ct
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit

how do i darken the sky in cs4 and keep the rest of the image the way it is. some of my photos are dark sky dark land, i would like them to be dark sky lightened up land. some are dark land light sky, i would like them to be darker crisper sky with the land staying the same.
What you need to learn about are layers and features such as the layer mask

Have a look on this site here:
Ron Bigelow Articles
it some some very good articles on editing and is easily understandable - scroll down to the layers articles and have a read

how do i darken the sky in cs4 and keep the rest of the image the way it is. some of my photos are dark sky dark land, i would like them to be dark sky lightened up land. some are dark land light sky, i would like them to be darker crisper sky with the land staying the same.

It depends on the image. Sometimes you have to mask out the sky so you can edit it separately from the land. Sometimes you can darken or brighten the sky without using a mask. My advice is not to get hung up on recipes; learn to diagnose and fix the particular problems in a particular image.

how do i darken the sky in cs4 and keep the rest of the image the way it is. some of my photos are dark sky dark land, i would like them to be dark sky lightened up land. some are dark land light sky, i would like them to be darker crisper sky with the land staying the same.
You need a couple of books:
Adobe Photoshop CS4: Classroom In A Book : by Adobe Press

Adobe Photoshop CS4 for Photographers : by Martin Evening

Photoshop CS4 Workflow : by Tim Grey

The Adobe Photoshop CS4 Book for Digital Photographers : by Scott Kelby

Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks : by Scott Kelby

I would guess you don't understand the terms because you haven't done enough research. :lmao:
Last edited:
well i understand enough to ask for some advice on where to go to learn, and i understand enough to download a trial version first to see which adobe program is right for my interest. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::thumbdown:
You need a couple of books:
Adobe Photoshop CS4: Classroom In A Book : by Adobe Press

Adobe Photoshop CS4 for Photographers : by Martin Evening

Photoshop CS4 Workflow : by Tim Grey

The Adobe Photoshop CS4 Book for Digital Photographers : by Scott Kelby

Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks : by Scott Kelby

I never had these books. How did I ever learn Photoshop?
You played around with shtuff until you got what you wanted? Pushed buttons? Saw what things did? It's what I do. Works for some people; others, not so much. And thos books are helpful for filling in the little tidbits you miss when futzing on your own.

how do i darken the sky in cs4 and keep the rest of the image the way it is. some of my photos are dark sky dark land, i would like them to be dark sky lightened up land. some are dark land light sky, i would like them to be darker crisper sky with the land staying the same.

well i understand enough to ask for some advice on where to go to learn, and i understand enough to download a trial version first to see which adobe program is right for my interest. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::thumbdown:
No, you didn't ask for advice on where to go to learn how. You asked how to do it. Nor did you say anything about having downloaded the trial version.
You need a couple of books:
Adobe Photoshop CS4: Classroom In A Book : by Adobe Press

Adobe Photoshop CS4 for Photographers : by Martin Evening

Photoshop CS4 Workflow : by Tim Grey

The Adobe Photoshop CS4 Book for Digital Photographers : by Scott Kelby

Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks : by Scott Kelby

I never had these books. How did I ever learn Photoshop?
I can only guess you did it the hard way, hunt and peck? Shrugs shoulders.

MusicaleCA postulated a likely scenario.

Books work for me.
Books work for me.

Books work for lots of people, but don't presume to know that they would work for the OP.
Just for you, I'll never recommend a book to anyone on TPF again.

Few people can learn a program as complex as Photoshop without written materials.

Kudos to you for having that expertise. I have seen some of your work and you definately seem to have a good grounding in the program.
Books work for me.

Books work for lots of people, but don't presume to know that they would work for the OP.
Just for you, I'll never recommend a book to anyone on TPF again.

Few people can learn a program as complex as Photoshop without written materials.

Kudos to you for having that expertise. I have seen some of your work and you definately seem to have a good grounding in the program.

Never read a book about photoshop either. Getting the basics from a few tuts and then just experimenting is a good way to learn on the cheap.
ok so how did this post go so wrong, i guess the answer to my question was time is the only way to figure it out. i new that already, i just thought since people for the most part know things in here i could have gotten a click the blah blah then click blah blah answer. that works for about 99 percent of programs.
ok so how did this post go so wrong,

If I were you, I would have posted an image. This is a visual medium. I think people often go wrong when they try to substitute words for images -- telling instead of showing.
Adobe Photoshop CS4 for Photographers : by Martin Evening

Some people here may have talked down about books on CS4, but this is one that I found essential. I don't really know if books work for everyone, but this one in particular really was/is a great reference tool. It's not horribly expensive and saves you a ton of time. Time is money and this is really quite worth the investment.

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