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Digital Camera

Mar 8, 2003
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I'm looking for a digital camera, at least 4Mp, at least 5X optical zoom preferably with threads for a 2X adaptor and good low light capability. Reasonable price!
Problems I've heard of include: CA (purple fringes), poor low light focusing, long shutter delay, poor F stop rating.

My research suggests the Sony DSC F717 is the best compromise but what suggestions or comments do actual users have?
What other models have you used or had experience with?
Well, I don't know your budget, but if you want something that will take good picture and with low light I think you should stay away from Sony.

Pick from either Nikon or Canon. In Nikon try Nikon Coolpix 4500 3.87MPix (about $600) if that's too much look into Nikon CoolPix 2500 2MPix ($270 bit outdated) or Canon PowerShot S45 4 Mpix ($550) or Older model Canon PowerShot S30 3.14 Mpix (about $350)

Don't buy new check out e-bay first u can find better deal... or if you want to check out good reviews on Digital Cameras go to


Goood Luck
I have a Nikon Coolpix 4500. It is reasonably priced, especially if you can score one on ebay.

The 4500 has some neat features, namely that swiveling lens housing.

It also has a few drawbacks, chiefly that the viewfinder is useless for anything more than auto exposure snapshots. Using the doubler, tripler, either wide angle or the fisheye will block both the viewfinder and the flash, making either pretty much useless. If you're shooting outside, you'll need a lcd hood like the Hoodman. I just got mine yesterday. I used it this morning and it makes a huge difference.

The 4500 is only 4x optical zoom. For half again the price you could get a 5700 which is 8x, and has both the lcd and a electronic viewfinder. Depends on your needs and budget.

I'm still learning how to use mine, but I think I'm getting better all the time. Especially after being out of photography for nearly 20 years.

Thanks for everyones input but the one feature that the Sony F717 has is the low light (no light?) assist.
Does it work?
I would naturally think Nikon or one of the other "names" in cameras but I'm looking for something that covers a wide a spread as possible and the Sony is now getting to be reasonably priced.
Any further comments anyone?
This camera is really nice... I don't have any experience with any other "real" camera.

You can turn off the digital zoom (which is nice... but I am going to experiment with it because I am out of money to buy a telephoto lens)

Works fine with my Powerbook

It has a digital viewfinder in addition to the display on the back... I thought I'd use the viewfinder more than I do... I think this is because the lens swivels (about 45 degrees down and almost 90 degrees up) Kinda nice to get shots of people because they tend to look at my face, and my camera is down near my stomach

I bought a 128MB Mem stick... The 32 that comes with it only holds one picture at maximum resolution...

(I am trying to think of things that aren't on the box)

The shutter speed only goes from 30 seconds to 1/1000th... I'd like to take some longer ones and some shorter ones... say 24 hrs to 1/10000th

I find myself taking 2048x1536 because the 2560x1920 takes a while...

There is a Tiff mode... no Raw though

It does accept the new memory sticks... up to 1GB (although that one costs more than the camera)

Any other questions? I'd be glad to answer them
mrsid99 said:
Thanks for everyones input but the one feature that the Sony F717 has is the low light (no light?) assist.
Does it work?
I would naturally think Nikon or one of the other "names" in cameras but I'm looking for something that covers a wide a spread as possible and the Sony is now getting to be reasonably priced.
Any further comments anyone?

I haven't really experimented with this too much... but...

Don't expect color (probably knew that) but i think they will convert well to black and white (from green and lighter green)

I can email you some pics... I'd post them, but it takes so long to upload and find the link... I wish I had my own server... Maybe in a couple weeks I'll get around to putting them up

To ease the conversion to black and white I thought I might try applying sepia to the night shot... tried it once and it kinda worked... more on this later
The F717 has infrared for night vision. It can be used to compose the image when you are using flash which also works to focus. The lens on the 717 is very good.

Just thought that i would share since I have a Sony F717... and I love it. Its not film, but the image clarity because of the Carl Zeiss Lens, it is also great for doing Infrared photography (partly because of the night shot) I would highly recommend it.

If you have any questions that I can answer for you, please feel free to email me at: tyler@junkedcamera.com

I also have a sony f717... i must say it is a great camera.... hmmm carl zeiss mmmm.....

but really, the shape, you either love it or ya hate it. I like it, but my friend cant stand using it (I think she just wants one too ...lol)NO raw... but tiff are pretty close to raw.

I dont do much night shooting, but what I have done seems to be fine.

TIP: never buy ..... hmm..... anything at a store,I always buy camera/film stuff online, it is so much cheaper. look at ebay, b and h photo... you will find a camera you like.... good luck.

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