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Sep 28, 2011
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Los Angeles
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I got a chance to return to Peru for a few days.....for family reasons. Far to short a time to visit such a beautiful country, but just enough time to hang out at the beach with my family.....and shoot some pics of course. It is mid-summer there and these pictures were taken on a Sunday. It seemed as if all of Lima had gone south to the beaches. This is a beach called Naplo in the fishing village of Pucusana, about 1 hour south of Lima.

C&C welcome, of course. These shots were taken mid-day. Not a great time for photography. I tried to even out the lighting in post.

One thing I realize in looking at the pictures is that they seem to lack a distinct subject. I hope that the scene itself is enough.

1. Sebastian.
DSC_0303.jpg by Javier Descalzi, on Flickr


DSC_0344.jpg by Javier Descalzi, on Flickr

3. Don't trip

DSC_0356.jpg by Javier Descalzi, on Flickr

4. Apparently, one way to get rich in Peru is to rent beach umbrellas.

DSC_0364.jpg by Javier Descalzi, on Flickr

I'll post some more as I process them. I hope you enjoy these. Thanks for looking.
I am intrigued by the umbrellas. I've never seen a beach paved with them. I wanna know what it looks like and feels like to be underneath them.

Thanks or sharing these!
Holy cow!!! That's a lot of people at the beach!! I thought NJ was bad....lol
Very interesting shots. There is just soooo many people!! The sea of umbrellas is amazing. I stared at that picture for a while.
Thanks for sharing!!
Not my idea of fun...so crowded.
Nice captures...thanks for sharing how they do it in other countries.
I am intrigued by the umbrellas. I've never seen a beach paved with them. I wanna know what it looks like and feels like to be underneath them.

Thanks or sharing these!

Also, Times like these where you wish you could be above shooting down, that would be an interesting shot
I was thinking the same as Joey. If you could've been on a really tall building or up in a helicopter :lol:, that would have made a very interesting shot of the one million umbrellas.
The last image is the best artistic rendition possible out of the situation; others are also really good and informative; your title is well matching and no body could have guessed at it before seeing these images

Regards :D
Desi, considering that you probably don't have a helicopter, my C&C really should have been that this is an interesting set (subject wise), but the overall images are more of snapshots than they are creative. Try to find a creative vantage point and consider the overall image.
Thanks everyone for your comments. Bitter, Mishele, and Frequency, I've spent a lot of time looking at your images. I'm glad you enjoyed these.

Joey_Ricard, thanks for the C&C. I've been back for a week and have been thinking over these images and realized the same thing. Something for me to think about.

Nope, no helicopter. I did get this shot from above. You have to be in one of the homes to actually get an unobstructed look down onto the beach (or climb the hills....unfortunately, I had time constraints). It's just a poor documentary shot. The shot taken in the morning and evening were much nicer but no umbrellas.

DSC_0379.jpg by Javier Descalzi, on Flickr
I really like #4. It conveys the sense of a multitude of people, without actually showing them explicitly.
I am intrigued by the umbrellas. I've never seen a beach paved with them. I wanna know what it looks like and feels like to be underneath them.

Thanks or sharing these!

I found this a bit odd as well. I have never been to a beach this packed before. Its like a shanty town of beach umbrellas.

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