GutsAndGlory TPF Noob! Joined Sep 9, 2007 Messages 50 Reaction score 0 Location Beautiful BC Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Mar 13, 2008 #1
Trenton Romulox TPF Noob! Joined Mar 10, 2007 Messages 2,392 Reaction score 0 Location Maine Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Mar 13, 2008 #2 I like the gritty feel of it, but I wish there was more detail in the eye itself. The detail around the eye itself is great, but the eye itself is left dark and muddy. But, perhaps that's what you were going for. Overall though, I do like the shot.
I like the gritty feel of it, but I wish there was more detail in the eye itself. The detail around the eye itself is great, but the eye itself is left dark and muddy. But, perhaps that's what you were going for. Overall though, I do like the shot.