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Changing my business name, need ideas and input.

Okay before anyone else responds, how about we let Shannon tell us what she sees as the issues with this image? Being able to effectively and objectively self-critique your work is one of the most valuable assets a photographer can have!
"I figured if its something I love and if I can get my skills to where they need to be why not have a business" . Because a business isn't necessarily all about skills, and if you love it now, you won't necessarily love it when you're doing it 24 hours a day. Things you love can be hobbies. Something that takes your mind off work.

A VERY valid point! I will also add that having a nice camera is not a ticket to easy money. Besides all of the knowledge that you need to acquire, there's a lot of gear that's needed to meet the different conditions you will encounter as a professional. I'm going to do a fairly simply head/portfolio session for a local aspiring model this afternoon. Between cameras, lenses, lighting and accessories, I will have something in the order of $15,000 worth of gear at my disposal. I likely won't use all of it, but I have it there if required. Again, NOT trying to dissuade you, but it is important not to bite off more than you can chew. All it will take is one "real" (by which I mean non-family/friend/acquaintance) client who doesn't like your work, and your business name will be mud.
The biggest issue for me is I cut off his ears and his whiskers and there's a weird tint to it. I also think I think I took it too close up, some areas of his body are blurred and that was not intentional.
The biggest issue for me is I cut off his ears and his whiskers and there's a weird tint to it. I also think I think I took it too close up, some areas of his body are blurred and that was not intentional.

Pretty much spot on! Both the cropped ears and whiskers would have been un-cropped had you shot in portrait (vertical orientation). Portraiture, whether human or animal is almost all about the face and specifically the eyes. The rest of his body that you would have cropped shooting vertical adds nothing tot he image and would have been no loss.

There's definitely a white-balance issue. Hopefully you shot this in RAW, if not, then start immediately, and do not not shoot RAW. Ideally, shoot RAW+JPG so that you have the best of both worlds. Take the image back into your processing software (I agree completely with you that over-processing is bad, but almost all images need some form of processing) and if it's a RAW file, set the white balance off of the whitest fur, and then fine tune 'til it looks right. If it's a .jpg only, then use the colour correction tools to lower the red channel.

The image is significantly under-exposed; the fur in the background looks okay, but the face is 2/3 - 1 stop under, and there's almost no detail in the eyes. Again concentrate on the eyes, and learn how to correctly meter a scene. There are great tutorials on this and almost all aspects of digital photography here.

The image appears to be leaning slightly down to the right, so don't forget to level it in post. I don't think you were too close, but I would say your aperture was too large resulting in a shallow DoF. Understand aperture and DoF and the role these play in proper exposure and composition. Try this tool to determine the effects, and if you have a smartphone, there are hundreds of applications that you can install on it that will do this.
I think one thing that would greatly help you is a flash unit you can bounce off the ceiling. Yongnuos go for as cheap as 50 bucksbrand new.
I'll be getting a flash soon, didn't know they were that cheap though.
Okay folks, let's keep things clean and above the belt. Back-and-forth taunts and name-calling are not going to help anyone.
Clicking the link doesn't take me to her facebook. Is it just me or is it happening elsewhere?

She unpublished or deleted it.

Because I went to go find it the way I found it the first time (Ahhh Google) and the link is still there in Google (obviously, it hasn't even been 24 hours so it's still gonna be there), and it took me to my own page, unlike last time.

If you google and then click on the cached version of the page, it'll show you parts of it. You can click on photos, but you can see the timeline stuff.

Photography By Shannon - Mason City, IA - Photographer | Facebook

I think she is upset with us.

Oh well.

They don't like it when you try to help, I guess.

I think it was utterly inappropriate that you referred us to her FB page (stalking her, in effect) and then the next day, after her link went dead, you dug through your browser cache, and managed to re-link us to her page....

Not cool. Not cool at all.
Clicking the link doesn't take me to her facebook. Is it just me or is it happening elsewhere?

She unpublished or deleted it.

Because I went to go find it the way I found it the first time (Ahhh Google) and the link is still there in Google (obviously, it hasn't even been 24 hours so it's still gonna be there), and it took me to my own page, unlike last time.

If you google and then click on the cached version of the page, it'll show you parts of it. You can click on photos, but you can see the timeline stuff.

Photography By Shannon - Mason City, IA - Photographer | Facebook

I think she is upset with us.

Oh well.

They don't like it when you try to help, I guess.

I think it was utterly inappropriate that you referred us to her FB page (stalking her, in effect) and then the next day, after her link went dead, you dug through your browser cache, and managed to re-link us to her page....

Not cool. Not cool at all.

You realize that I stopped caring about anything you say to me about 2 years ago right?

So you can keep talking, but I really don't care.
Do a search on some of the recent work that e.rose has posted; this is the sort of level you should be at when you are accepting payment for your work.

You can get there, and with a little effort, you will get there, but you are NOT there yet!

D'awwwww :blushing:

If it makes you feel any better Shannon...

This is the kind of stuff I was producing in the beginning:


I desperately needed to learn how a reflector worked... Cause that was not the way to use it.

You should have seen it straight out of camera. I think the file is now corrupt or I'd pull it up (make sure you back up your files), but I tried to "save" it with dodging and burning.

I didn't.


You can make HUGES strides in your progress, if you're willing to learn, and open and receptive to critique.

Seriously. You can. :hug::
Woot woot. This makes me want to bust out some of my gems.

Amazing work.
In before the lock?
D'awwwww :blushing:

If it makes you feel any better Shannon...

This is the kind of stuff I was producing in the beginning:


I desperately needed to learn how a reflector worked... Cause that was not the way to use it.

You should have seen it straight out of camera. I think the file is now corrupt or I'd pull it up (make sure you back up your files), but I tried to "save" it with dodging and burning.

I didn't.


You can make HUGES strides in your progress, if you're willing to learn, and open and receptive to critique.

Seriously. You can. :hug::
Woot woot. This makes me want to bust out some of my gems.

Amazing work.
Derrel, give it a rest! This is ANOTHER personal attack to another member on the same thread. Is he an exception to the rule, mods???
Woot woot. This makes me want to bust out some of my gems.

Amazing work.
Derrel, give it a rest! This is ANOTHER personal attack to another member on the same thread. Is he an exception to the rule, mods???

Please, Kathy. I've seen Derrel's work. That was the nail in the coffin as far as his credibility is concerned. :lmao:

And considering that I posted that photo as an example of what SUCKS... when I first started, I agree with his sarcastic tone.

But like I said. 2 sh*ts are not given about him or what he thinks. :sexywink: But thank you for sticking up for me anyway :hug::
Amazing work.
Derrel, give it a rest! This is ANOTHER personal attack to another member on the same thread. Is he an exception to the rule, mods???

Please, Kathy. I've seen Derrel's work. That was the nail in the coffin as far as his credibility is concerned. :lmao:

And considering that I posted that photo as an example of what SUCKS... when I first started, I agree with his sarcastic tone.

But like I said. 2 sh*ts are not given about him or what he thinks. :sexywink: But thank you for sticking up for me anyway :hug::
I know why you posted the image, and trust me I have some that will far exceed that beauty that I thought were freaking amazing! BUT Derrels' first post sent me over the edge. Plus, it is still on the thread, and it is completely disrespectful to every female member on this forum. Who talks that way to people? Especially young females??
I know why you posted the image, and trust me I have some that will far exceed that beauty that I thought were freaking amazing! BUT Derrels' first post sent me over the edge. Plus, it is still on the thread, and it is completely disrespectful to every female member on this forum. Who talks that way to people? Especially young females??

I missed the female directed portion. I think. Maybe I just didn't care enough. :lol:

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