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Changing my business name, need ideas and input.

Well... that was a brave choice for a first post...

Hang in there Shannon.

NEVER give up on something you love! and NEVER post pictures of your own kids on this site, these guys are ruthless :-P

You shouldn't post pictures of ANYTHING you're emotionally attached to. :lol:

Except Cats.

Cats rule.
Someone who hasn't told her that she needs to not be doing business yet, PM her and tell her to come back.

Tough love is healthy and it makes you better.

We all got it in the beginning. And the middle. And still (at least I do.)

Tell her to come back so we can help her.

Unless she's going to be overly sensitive about everything, then never mind. Cause there's enough of that on here as it is. :lol:

But if she actually wants to LEARN... drag her back her. Tell her to dust herself off, and start again. :sexywink:
Well... that was a brave choice for a first post...

Happens all the time! Seem like we are expected to answer all the basic beginner questions all the "PRO's" have! lol!
Well... that was a brave choice for a first post...

Hang in there Shannon.

NEVER give up on something you love! and NEVER post pictures of your own kids on this site, these guys are ruthless :-P

You shouldn't post pictures of ANYTHING you're emotionally attached to. :lol:

Except Cats.

Cats rule.

Damn Straight! Go Girl Go!
Well... that was a brave choice for a first post...

Hang in there Shannon.

NEVER give up on something you love! and NEVER post pictures of your own kids on this site, these guys are ruthless :-P

You shouldn't post pictures of ANYTHING you're emotionally attached to. :lol:

Except Cats.

Cats rule.

And bacon. Cats and bacon FTW.
Well... that was a brave choice for a first post...

Hang in there Shannon.

NEVER give up on something you love! and NEVER post pictures of your own kids on this site, these guys are ruthless :-P

You shouldn't post pictures of ANYTHING you're emotionally attached to. :lol:

Except Cats.

Cats rule.

And bacon. Cats and bacon FTW.

My damn cats eat all the bacon! (or they would I let them!) lol! My girlfriends cat knows how to teleport... #1 Grab a piece of Bacon #2 Disappear and magically appear upstairs!
Every living organism on this planet enjoys consuming vast amounts bacon, including bacon.
Someone who hasn't told her that she needs to not be doing business yet, PM her and tell her to come back.

Tough love is healthy and it makes you better.

We all got it in the beginning. And the middle. And still (at least I do.)

Tell her to come back so we can help her.

Unless she's going to be overly sensitive about everything, then never mind. Cause there's enough of that on here as it is. :lol:

But if she actually wants to LEARN... drag her back her. Tell her to dust herself off, and start again. :sexywink:

Not sure if it will help but I sent a PM. I guess we'll see.
Someone who hasn't told her that she needs to not be doing business yet, PM her and tell her to come back.

Tough love is healthy and it makes you better.

We all got it in the beginning. And the middle. And still (at least I do.)

Tell her to come back so we can help her.

Unless she's going to be overly sensitive about everything, then never mind. Cause there's enough of that on here as it is. :lol:

But if she actually wants to LEARN... drag her back her. Tell her to dust herself off, and start again. :sexywink:

Not sure if it will help but I sent a PM. I guess we'll see.

It probably won't, but it's a good effort on your part. :sexywink:
The quality of the OP's images is not relevant to her query.
If she is getting referrals and has repeat customers the only remaining question is if she is actually making money, or not.

A good rule to follow when naming a business is K.I.S.S. - Keep It Stupid Simple.
Not cutesy.

Photography by Shannon was acceptable, and I would recommend you not change it.

From a business perspective, post #1 with the enlarged text and non standard font is less than professional. A good business practice is to always make certain you project a professional image.

As mentioned, 1 hour, $30 sessions that include a disc of images is not a sustainable business model.
Indeed, you're likely indirectly paying customers to let you make photos for them.
The only way to tell if you're making or losing money is to have good accounting and record keeping habits.
Many new retail photographers don't realize or account for all the costs that are associated with running a business.

Various professional photographer associations have established that sustaining a retail photography business requires an average sale of right around $1000 per session.
Home based retail photography businesses have slightly better profit margins than do studio based retail photography businesses. Studio based retail photography businesses have higher gross revenues, and though the profit margin is somewhat lower studio based retail photography businesses generally make more net yearly income.

The average full time retail photographer here in the US makes gross income of about $32,000 a year.
State and federal taxes reduce take home income to an average of about $24,000.
"3 Months of Experience Photos"
"I learn, you pay Images"

I understand that everyone is trying to help and I appreciate it. I also appreciate people that are blunt but that was going a bit far. Yes I know I have A LOT to learn and most of the people I take pictures for are friends are family. The reason I don't charge very much is because I'm just beginning. I didn't want to put all of this out there to begin with but if you notice my facebook page has 100 likes, most of the 100 people are friends and family. I know you say I shouldn't be charging because my work is so crappy but you don't know the whole story and obviously don't care to. I would pay someone $30 to take photos of me and my family but not everyone would and I'm ok with that. I'm still learning everyday and I value your input but maybe you could think about what the person is going through when you type your rude comments. I originally started doing photography to take my mind away from things. I know you don't care but figure maybe you should have a better idea of what I'm going through. A few months ago my boyfriend of 4 years cheated on me, stole money from me, left me a single mother with two kids. My oldest son is having a very rough time with the whole change and a few days after I found out I lost my job, I've always loved taking pictures and so I decided to try it out. 4 days ago I found out I may have a life threatening illness so I decided to live life to the fullest and try to make myself happy for once. I took my facebook page down because I'm taking your advice and I'm not going to charge people for photos until I'm better, I also took down my website. I'm hoping this whole experience will be a learning experience and when I'm ready I will be the best photographer in town! Didn't mean to vent at all and I knew when I posted this I would have some feedback that hurt my feelings but everyone is right and I'm going to do my best to become a better photographer.
Welcome back. Don't worry about the venting.

One step at a time.. You've already proved you can take some criticism and are willing to learn, so I think you'll be fine.
Start small - post a couple of your best shots (as you see them) and wait for critique. It might hurt (as you've already seen) but if you listen, you will be OK.
Do a search on some of the recent work that e.rose has posted; this is the sort of level you should be at when you are accepting payment for your work.

You can get there, and with a little effort, you will get there, but you are NOT there yet!

D'awwwww :blushing:

If it makes you feel any better Shannon...

This is the kind of stuff I was producing in the beginning:


I desperately needed to learn how a reflector worked... Cause that was not the way to use it.

You should have seen it straight out of camera. I think the file is now corrupt or I'd pull it up (make sure you back up your files), but I tried to "save" it with dodging and burning.

I didn't.


You can make HUGES strides in your progress, if you're willing to learn, and open and receptive to critique.

Seriously. You can. :hug::
Woot woot. This makes me want to bust out some of my gems.

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