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C&C on epic fail


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Aug 29, 2010
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Not real C&C :) This was going to me an HDR experiment. I only got one exposure, however, as the camera stopped working. And, as if that wasn't enough, I didn't get low enough and so my head is visible in the frame...I guess that's what I look like when I take pictures!

jojo by Anders Myhre Brakestad, on Flickr
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Kinda cool, even ifts not what you wanted.
Its gotta "mytsery peeping Tom vibe"
I actually really like this shot. Don't know what it is but I just do.

And as Becky said, the more you look at it the more you see.

Nice fail! ;)
hahah... i love this. :)
Looks like a candid photo for a photography magazine or ad lol.

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