Arches NP recommendations?


TPF Noob!
Sep 17, 2024
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Hi, I will be traveling to Arches and Canyonlands NPs later in October. Seeking recommendations on locations/times. For example, is Delicate Arch best photographed at sunrise or sunset? What is a good area/hike during those peak daylight hours when the sun is more harsh? I did secure some timed entry for morning and late afternoon. Thank you
When you leave Arches, take a nice 30 minute drive along the Colorado River and visit the Museum of Film and Western Heritage where they made many John Wayne and other westerns, Star Wars, etc. Then another ten minutes into Castle Valley for wonderful town with great views and scenery that were used in those westerns as well. Here's the Google navigation map link that I prepared.

Museum link Museum of Film and Western Heritage - Yahoo Search Results

DOn't forget Canyonlands and Dead Horse Point State Park for fantastic views. Here;s a link I prepared when I went to hit the highlights.
My favorite location at Arches is "The Eye"--particularly if you can shoot it with someone in the eye. As for timing, it's all good--sunrise, sunset, permit to be in the park at night and shoot stuff with the Milky Way--it's all good. Also, not so much for arches but Park Place is pretty cool as well. I'm afraid I can't help you on the hikes.
That's great, thank you both for the suggestions! Looks beautiful and I very much looking forward to it.
If it's too warm to hike during the day and you've got a SUV or pickup, consider driving the Shafer Trail road . It's just outside the Canyonlands Island in the Sky Visitor Center so you don't need to pay the park entrance fee. It takes you into Canyonlands NP and ends in Moab. We didn't need FWD.

Pics from when we drove it:









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