Any other Paleo eaters in here?

I have always wanted to start but I have really no time to do all preps. I am sticking to meal replacements (shakes) for the time being. But I really wanna start paleo soon.
tonight im making a grilled veggie pizza with crust make from ground up cauliflower...

i will smile in delight as i eat it.
Sooo...whatever else anyone wants to believe about this diet (and to be clear, I'm not talking about anyone here - it really is a general statement, not a veiled pointed one), follow it only if it makes sense for your body (health issues, allergies, etc) and not because of claims that turn out to be...well, bogus. That whole "Cavemen didn't eat processed grains" business? Yeah, um...Paleo People Were Making Flour 32,000 Years Ago
The comments section of that NPR web article is filled with hilariously smug attitudes and witty back and forth, making fun of Paleo eaters, raw food eaters, and bison meat eaters, among other things. One fellow so full of himself that he has picked the handle SlySy wrote, "Stupid paleo people didn't even know about the paleo diet. ;)"
The comments section of that NPR web article is filled with hilariously smug attitudes and witty back and forth, making fun of Paleo eaters, raw food eaters, and bison meat eaters, among other things. One fellow so full of himself that he has picked the handle SlySy wrote, "Stupid paleo people didn't even know about the paleo diet. ;)"

Oh lord, the first rule of the Intarwebz is to NEVER READ THE COMMENTS! ;)

My bad, my bad...I readed da commentz!!!!

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