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After He's Gone


TPF Noob!
Jul 24, 2005
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Just in a bit of a funk lately. What else is there to do but to capitalize on my own sorrow?

First time trying HDR. I've always told myself it was too fake/processed looking. But you know what? Today I kind of like it. What do you think? <----or CC welcome ;)

PICT0014 by BlackDogsPhoto, on Flickr
The more I look at it, "Best Friend" seems slightly out of focus to me, but I really like your processing. And, it proves, once again that HDR doesnt HAVE to be "fake/processed looking". Good job.
Thank you both.

Yes "Best Friend" could be slightly out of focus. I shot this in macro and focused on the dog's name "Dalton" although the N looks a bit out of focus to me.
There are some chromatic abberations and halo-ing going on. Did you take this with a camera phone?

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