Yalls Thoughts On My First Neg. Police Encounter

How do you handle being asked/demanded to delete a photo?

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Here I am about to be arrested. Not the guy in the photo, he was already arrested. The big hand is coming for me.
I got confronted so many times from paranoid strangers. I had drivers blown the horn at me. Some stick a middle finger at me. When I was photographing the events, one guest was stern and told me, "Don't take my pictures!" It was a monthly event, and he kept telling the same thing again every month. I got to the point that I got very annoying and walked away from him. Then, he followed me around. Another time at different occasions, a lady took pictures at me with her iPhone, because she said I take pictures of her.

Most people don't have a problem, but very few do. When you do get confronted, there is not much you can do, and you will not win. Either you talk to them out of it and give a reason why, or walk away and take pictures at different location or different time. When I get permission to photograph people, I make them feel comfortable and feel welcome by smiling and interacting with them. Most of them are very friendly and curios. They will talk to you and ask questions about your camera and ask you "What is the reason for shooting?" Just because you have Asperger, or you are antisocial, it doesn't really matter. If you can not handle those kinds of people, you will lose your privilege as a photographer in public places.

I have photograph large crowds with heavy polices and sheriffs present. However, I have never gotten confronted or arrested by them.
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Here I am about to be arrested.

Back in my early newspaper days I spent a couple hours in jail because I refused to turn off a tape recorder at an open public city council meeting. The recording was brought on by certain members of the Council saying things at the meetings then denying them when I reported it in my column. All charges were quickly dropped, and my report on the incident caused major ripples in the community which ultimately changed the Council. The jail I might add was reminiscent of Mayberry, so my stay was not overly uncomfortable. :allteeth:
When ever these discussions turn to rights I find it interesting that they are always quite one sided. Posters declare they have this right, or that right, how this right or that right was supposedly infringed upon etc. The one thing that is generally lacking however is the other side of having and maintaining rights and it is a tough one for many people.

Your rights mean nothing if you fail to shoulder the responsibility that goes along with having those rights. An individuals personal rights never impinge on the rights of others or on the society as a whole. One persons rights, no matter who they are or who they think they are, are more important than the rights of any other person. When exercising one's rights it is their responsibility to care for and respect the rights of others. The exercising of good judgment is important.

The Photographer claims they have the right to photograph what ever they want and it is often said, if this person or that person doesn't want to be photographed they shouldn't be there. While true, how much enjoyment or subject matter would there be if the people did stay home or went to a well know, well regulated private situation instead. The only true resolution would be to either have no public spaces or to charge for the use of those public spaces. There has been talk in some places of taxing the users of transportation devices for the use of the streets and highways. What next, taxing a walking fee to use the sidewalk or public park.

The Journalist claim they have the right to all the information they consider to be news. But what of the rights of the victim(s), what of the right that they have to expect their case to be thoroughly investigated with out outside interference, to have the suspects discovered and accused properly in a court of law. What of the rights of the accused to get a fair, impartial trial by a jury of their peers who have not been tainted with excessive information beforehand. Is the printing of the news more important than the rights of the individuals involved?

In WWII the printing of the news, a statement by a non thinking glory seeking Senator, caused the deaths of hundreds of American Submariners. The Senator was wrong and to my mind should have been at the least kicked out of office. The news outlet however was wrong when they placed their want for a story above the lives and safety of the individuals involved and the nation as a whole. They did have the right to print what the Senator said, but did they not have a responsibility to not print that comment when it was known and even the news agencies of the day would look for news and information in the publications of those we were fighting.

The news and the news organizations definitely have their place, but their right is no greater than that of the individuals they serve. These days many of them have forgotten that their rights are based upon their responsibility to serve and protect the rights of others. There are however times when their responsibility to protect the rights of others outweighs the selling of papers or air time.

I agree that when it comes to rights there are many intolerant/ignorant people. They have generally shown themselves to be those that feel that their rights are of the only importance failing to take responsibility for themselves and their duty to protect the rights of all others. I have found throughout the years that those who tend to howl the loudest are generally the ones that shoulder the least true responsibility.
Here I am about to be arrested.

Back in my early newspaper days I spent a couple hours in jail because I refused to turn off a tape recorder at an open public city council meeting. The recording was brought on by certain members of the Council saying things at the meetings then denying them when I reported it in my column. All charges were quickly dropped, and my report on the incident caused major ripples in the community which ultimately changed the Council. The jail I might add was reminiscent of Mayberry, so my stay was not overly uncomfortable. :allteeth:
You should have been arrested in this situation. Back in the Gutenberg Press days it would have taken at least 12 Monks to be able to properly record what was said at that council meeting. I mean seriously, when your recording device is that size, you are causing an undeniable disruption to the proceedings, especially when you consider all the chanting and the burning of frankincense and myrrh that goes along with that recording device.

On the bright side, how was Aunt Bea's peach pie? :lol:
On the bright side, how was Aunt Bea's peach pie?

Wasn't there long enough to get the basket lunch, but the recliner/rocker and the tv was quite acceptable!
............Your rights mean nothing if you fail to shoulder the responsibility that goes along with having those rights. ..............

The flip side of this is 99.9999999999999999% of US citizens have NO IDEA what their rights really are.

........... And we all know that everything on the internet is true.

Never believe everything you see on the internet.
.................................................................Thomas Jefferson
Yep that is not true. Never believe everything you see on the internet was spoken by George Washington not Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson said never believe everything you see on You Tube. Jefferson was a big You Tube fan. Don't believe me, go to You Tube and type in his name. Hundreds of videos will pop up.

Jefferson was a big FACEBOOK fan. Franklin was into YouTube.

Geez. Get it right, will ya? :801:
You're taking photos in a flea market, not doing some ground breaking exposé. If it annoys someone, stop doing it. It's simple courtesy. These are people doing their jobs and not some exhibit in a zoo or a safari animal.
............Your rights mean nothing if you fail to shoulder the responsibility that goes along with having those rights. ..............

The flip side of this is 99.9999999999999999% of US citizens have NO IDEA what their rights really are.
Thank you for substantiating the need for responsibility as it is each individuals responsibility to know their rights.
Jefferson was a big FACEBOOK fan. Franklin was into YouTube.

Geez. Get it right, will ya? :801:

No...No...NO! Jefferson was the You Tube fan, Franklin was an Instagram fan so he could be seen by all his French Mistresses. Samuel Adams was the Facebook fan so he could reach more people and sell more beer. :biggrin-93:
Jefferson was a big FACEBOOK fan. Franklin was into YouTube.

Geez. Get it right, will ya? :801:

No...No...NO! Jefferson was the You Tube fan, Franklin was an Instagram fan so he could be seen by all his French Mistresses. Samuel Adams was the Facebook fan so he could reach more people and sell more beer. :biggrin-93:

And Paul Revere famously said, "Text Message if by land, email if by sea......."
Jefferson was a big FACEBOOK fan. Franklin was into YouTube.

Geez. Get it right, will ya? :801:

No...No...NO! Jefferson was the You Tube fan, Franklin was an Instagram fan so he could be seen by all his French Mistresses. Samuel Adams was the Facebook fan so he could reach more people and sell more beer. :biggrin-93:

And Paul Revere famously said, "Text Message if by land, email if by sea......."
Let us not forget Nathan Hale's famous words: "I regret that I have but one Tweet to give to my country."
Let us not forget Nathan Hale's famous words: "I regret that I have but one Tweet to give to my country."

And Betsy Ross had to Google "How to Sew a Flag".
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