What is your Desktop Photo right now???

Screen Shot 2016-05-18 at 1.11.14 PM.jpg
A photoshopped image of the last 3 speakers of the house engaged in rough, but consensual coitus.

iPad background
Black and white day, kind of like the weather here.
Screen Shot 2016-05-20 at 8.44.34 AM.jpg

Those bales a mighty green for straw
That's because that "straw" is actually wheat. Looks like that front bundle is from the corner of the field, that's why some of the straw has heads on it. Common to miss a bit of wheat in the corners when having to make sharp turns with a combine. Nice photos though. one the sunset.

Thanks for the heads up, was little curious about the color. :)
Any Doctor Who fans here? :p

Screenshot from 2020-03-06 23-17-39.png
The one and only half ways decent shot from my previous cell phone.

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Work 'puter.......a shot I took in 1997 of San Fran......


Home 'puter......BIG fan of the 1974 Gone in 60 Seconds.....


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