What film speed for old 4x5 camera.

Grandpa Ron

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Aug 9, 2018
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Winter is coming so it is time to play with my winter toys. I like to snowshoe and I thought it would be fun to try my 4x5 antique film camera. It has been stored for decades but still works.

I am keeping it simple and cheap.
4x5 black and white film.
Tripod mounted.
Home processing.
Most likely snow and winter colors of course.
Contact printing.
So the first of many questions is what ISO black and white film to start with.
Black-n-white......Kodak T-Max or Ilford Delta 100.

Color.....Kodak Ektar 100.
Contact printing with 4x5, grain is not really an issue. So any ISO will work.
Grab the film that best reflects the type of image you're after. Do want extreme DOF - go higher ASA ... shallow DOF - lower ASA. Higher ASA tends to have greater contrast, et cetera.
I find the two extra stops 400 ISO gives me come in handy when accounting for bellows factor, reciprocity failure, etc. I Use Ilford HP5 (5x7) and the contact prints are practically indistinguishable from those made with FP4 (125 ISO), smooth as butter.
I use Delta 100 when using a tripod, and HP5 for hand held work, even with 16x12 prints it's impossible to tell the difference.

For hand held work I used a Super Graphic, or less frequently a Crown Graphic.


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