Developer A vs Developer B

The same process can apply to digital. I've 'seen' lots of my images before I touch the camera. I know exactly what camera settings to use, what lens to use, what post process I'll use at home....
Sparky, I have no doubt that folks can visualize digital as well as film.

Members of my photo club often add sky, clouds, grass, and wind blow waves to their photos. At a recent meeting one of the members took a rather mundane Indiana soybean field and spiced it up with three elephants. It got lots of laughs, but it also looked very real.

It was definitely creative but not really my kind of photography.
I have a rough time making what I see what comes out in the end. Practice some more and see.
I have a rough time making what I see what comes out in the end. Practice some more and see.
I suspect I have succumbed to a bit of lethargy when it comes to printing film negatives. It is kind of like gardening, if you grow it, you eat it proudly, because you know the work it took to get it. At the store you do not expect to see gnarly potatoes and odd-shaped tomatoes.

I like every wet print I have made, because I know the effort, cost and time it took to make it, and the number of attempts that ended up in the trash.

With digital it is a rare shot that cannot be salvaged, and the only waste products are time and electrons.

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