Weekly challenge 10/17 - 10/23 Shoot through it!


Street food seller at the Bangkok anti-government protests today ..... they are meat balls to be cooked and sold hot in a soup bowl - an Asian version of a hot dog cart.

These 'rot loog chin' or 'meat ball carts' appear as the demonstrators gather, and they travel with them as they march through the city. They are becoming famous and even feature on news interviews in Asia. The student protestors call them the 'CIA' as they have better intelligence about the ever-changing protest venues than the police.
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We've ended up in a partial lockdown and maybe it will be the last big trips for this year, if it continues like this in the Netherlands, a total lockdown within 2 months is really not inconceivable.
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(trip with steam locomotive with antique wagons)

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(down the aisle)
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