Weekly challenge 5/23 - 6/5 Flat lays EXTENDED!


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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For this week's challenge, create and shoot a flat lay. You may have seen flat lays on social media, if you haven't, there's a lot of info out there but here is the basic concept - lay out objects on a flat surface and photograph them from above. For this first flat lay challenge, the theme is anything you want it to be. You can go for a curated group of your favorite things, or take a minimalistic approach or completely fill the frame. Post as many flat lays as you like.

As always, new photos only for the weekly challenge please. Get out there and shoot! (Once the challenge week ends, you can continue to add to the thread with additional shots or you can show off older items from your catalogue that fit the theme.)

This challenge looks like it will be interesting.
I hope so! I’ve been wanting to try it and have a few ideas but need to work out the background and lighting. I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.
Here are a few of my glass power line insulators.
I don't do studio work so it's not to well executed. I quickly laid them out and shot hand held w/ my Nikon D750 and 35mm f1.8 lens. Then edited with a rudimentary free editing program. I'll try again w/ better lighting and positioning.
Hopefully this will get the ball rolling for others to join in.
colored insulators.JPG
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Here are a few of my glass power line insulators.
I don't do studio work so it's not to well executed. I quickly laid them out and shot hand held w/ my Nikon D750 and 35mm f1.8 lens. Then edited with a rudimentary free editing program. I'll try again w/ better lighting and positioning.
Hopefully this will get the ball rolling for others to join in.
View attachment 256397
Thanks for starting us off! Interesting subjects. I thought for sure the first post would be someone’s lens collection! Not that there’s anything wrong with that…
How about a vertical flat?


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