Tethering In Lr

A little update on the problem. For all the Adobe haters out there, I will say they tried their best to fix the problem. Just spent a little over two hours with tech support. Unfortunately it appears the problem is in the Pentax plug in. Lr only supports "some" Nikon and Canon models. All others require a third party plug in to work.

After thinking back, I was using an earlier version of the Pentax plugin, so either Pentax has a problem with their plugin update or they haven't updated compatibility with the latest version of Lr. In any case it won't work as is. Might have to look at the Pentax tethering software, then just import to Lr.
Update: I've been talking back and forth with Pentax tech support this week. They were able to duplicate the problem using the Pentax Lr plugin, so I'm not crazy at least. They're working on a resolution hopefully.
@smoke665, it's good to know it's not you. Update on my testing capture 1 is that for tethering, it is as good as advertised. I posted a photo in the B&W section that was shot tethered and processed solely using capture 1.

Hope they get you a fix soon.
Hope they get you a fix soon.

I guess it isn't the end of the world, as I haven't used it in 6 months. Being tethered via cable isn't always the best of options, in a dark studio.
Problem solved finally. Part operator error, part lack of documentation on Pentax's part. The K1mii has two SD card slots, and three options for recording to those cards. One is "Sequential", two is "Both", and three is "Raw + JPEG". First option, the documentation is pretty simple and straight forward. It fills up one card and is supposed to roll over. The third option is pretty simple and straight forward, but for some reason on Option two they just say it records data on both cards. The problem is that when you are in "Sequential" mode the indicator arrow points to the card in use, and there's no way to switch it. If you happen to have an empty slot one, a card in slot two and turn the camera on by accident, your starting default slot is now slot two. Only way to change that is to put a card in slot one, leave two open and turn the camera on and off. None of which is documented clearly. So apparently I must have inadvertently switched to "Both", when my default slot was defaulting to 2, which lit the arrows on both slots making me believe I was "Sequentially" using both slots. Since I hardly ever use slot two, I didn't realize it was merrily duplicating a 2nd DNG file to the 2nd card. When you tether, Lr automatically reads both cards and loads the image from each. So long story short tethering is working now as it should.
I knew that the whole time. I was just waiting for you to figure it out on your own.
I knew that the whole time. I was just waiting for you to figure it out on your own.

Would have saved me, Adobe and Pentax support a lot of time last week, if you've spoke up sooner. LOL At least maybe they'll update the manual now to reflect how to change the default slot, and what the "Both" option actually does.

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