Photos/Art by children


Swiss Army Friend
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Jun 21, 2004
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Mygrain and I were discussing the art that children produce and I thought it would make a good theme subject. My son Christopher is nearly 5 and has just started showing an interest in photography. Here is some of his work.....

Mommy with her gear

Self timer shot that he set up

Edited due to broken link
I thought so too, I took her with me to a party I was shooting and she got some really cute ones but I can't seem to find those and all the ones she took of random family days out and about are on cd who knows where...........I have so many cds of so many things it would take me hours to find a cd labeled Andrea :lol:

I have been trying to teach her stuff.........but she isn't interested in any of the technical stuff yet :roll:
CrazyAva said:
I have been trying to teach her stuff.........but she isn't interested in any of the technical stuff yet :roll:

Let her just keep snapping for now. Her composition is wonderful already! She'll get interrested in the technical when she gets mad enough at shots not coming out the way she thought they would.

Tell her "great work"!
LizM said:
CrazyAva said:
I have been trying to teach her stuff.........but she isn't interested in any of the technical stuff yet :roll:

Let her just keep snapping for now. Her composition is wonderful already! She'll get interrested in the technical when she gets mad enough at shots not coming out the way she thought they would.

Tell her "great work"!

That was my thought as well. I let her take a couple of shots at the zoo this weekend. She is 12, they don't wanna learn anything at that age except the new dance craze and whether that cute boy has a girlfriend or not :lol:
Here's some of Baylee's (my 5y/o daughter) work. She had more in her camera, but somehow she deleted all of them. Whoops!!


Baylee's uncle (my brother) with his dog


Baylee's Bubba


Zoo pic


Her creativity

Daddy feeding Baylee's baby doll

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