Pentax K3 MK III update/expanded information video


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Jan 7, 2019
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I already have the K3II and the K1MII so I doubt that I'll be in the market to upgrade soon unless it was to the 645Z. I have to admit though that had the K3MKIII been available when I bought the K1 it would have been a tough decision between the two.
I already have the K3II and the K1MII so I doubt that I'll be in the market to upgrade soon unless it was to the 645Z. I have to admit though that had the K3MKIII been available when I bought the K1 it would have been a tough decision between the two.

I'll be upgrading from K-7/K-70, so unless there's some serious prolems with AF, I'll definitely be getting the MKIII. Got the money put aside.

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