Newby here looking for practice


TPF Noob!
Sep 9, 2014
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Washington DC Metro
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So I made it a point this year to enjoy this hobby of mine as a way to deal with the stresses of life. I have been making it a point to grab the camera, leave the family and work stress at the house and spend an hour or so just wandering about with the camera. I must say that the more pictures I take and bring home to look at, the more I get excited about going back out. I think to myself the different ways I could have framed the picture or how I want to try something else. I am definitely catching the fever and find it to be the perfect way to relax and ease the stresses of life. Besides just going out and taking pictures, I find myself getting in a rut trying to make a picture out of nothing. I get a little frustrated and was wondering if there was any little challenges that people use to help expand their skills. Here are two pics I recently took. I appreciate and feedback/critique/and thoughts in general. I am excited to be going down this road and have been looking for an outlet that I think this will fill very nicely. You all have a wonderful evening and thanks for taking a look.

$09 06 14_0635.JPG $08 30 14_0580_edited-1.jpg
Welcome aboard.

I like the compositions. The deer might need a little post work (it looks a bit too green to me) but I like it otherwise.
There are a number of exercises you can try that will help you "learn to look" at things:
* multiple shots of the same object (fire hydrants seem to be popular) from different view points;
* limiting yourself to a specific location - ten shots in one room or 15 things in your back yard;
* shoot at one focal length only (better if it's not the usual 35mm or 50mm)
* pick a theme and shoot only things that follow it (only red, for example)
* scavenger hunts - make a list of 10-15 things to shoot (circle, triangle, diagonal, the letters A through E, reflection, sign, etc.)

Where are you? I'm in beautiful downtown Waldorf, Chuck Co.
Hello and welcome to the forum...
Welcome to The Photo Forum!
Glad to have you with us!
Welcome to the party!!!
Welcome aboard.

I like the compositions. The deer might need a little post work (it looks a bit too green to me) but I like it otherwise.
There are a number of exercises you can try that will help you "learn to look" at things:
* multiple shots of the same object (fire hydrants seem to be popular) from different view points;
* limiting yourself to a specific location - ten shots in one room or 15 things in your back yard;
* shoot at one focal length only (better if it's not the usual 35mm or 50mm)
* pick a theme and shoot only things that follow it (only red, for example)
* scavenger hunts - make a list of 10-15 things to shoot (circle, triangle, diagonal, the letters A through E, reflection, sign, etc.)

Where are you? I'm in beautiful downtown Waldorf, Chuck Co.

I drive around Waldorf every day right now, I actually work down in Lexington Park, and am currently commuting to Northern Virginia, Annandale. Getting ready for a re-location move to the Orlando, FL area.
Thank-you for all of the great tips, I think I will use the theme this weekend. I was thinking about an early morning trip to Great Falls, I haven't been there in awhile and since I can get out early I should be able to time the morning light.I look forward to the chance to learn ad grow. Thank-you again for the response.
Welcome to the site.

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